

  • Unless your weigth is MORE than 300lbs, 2lbs per week is the maximum recommended. You can technically lose more than that... but in reality, you won't lose any more FAT than that 2lbs/week. If you succeed to loose 4lbs/week, you'll technically loose about 2.5 lbs of MUSCLE and less than 1.5 of fat (because your body will…
  • The official helthy maximum loss should be 8lbs per month (2lbs each week)... But, frankly, it may vary for each persons on earth.
  • You're still young. It may take a little while, but your skin will replace itself eventually. I've heard that it may take one or two years for the average people, but since you're young, it will be propably be quicker. Musculation may help to build new connections between your muscles and skin (therefore, add firmness).…
  • Yes, people don't get fat overnight after all! =P... And I'm pretty sure you didn't eat for 14000 extra-calories in your weekend. It may be due to many factors, but water is the most likely. A liter of water is 2.2lbs after all ;-)
  • There, I cannot help you except to learn how to read nutrition informations behind your food =) MyFitnessPal can also help you there, by making a food diary, you can see how mani carbs/fat/proteins you're eating each days. It is just an approximation, but it certainly helps. You can also set what information to display in…
  • Try to control WHAT you are eating. For many people, Carbs doesn't remove hunger (or only for small duration). If it is not already the case, try to eat a little more fiber in your diet. Fibers absorb nutriments and release them during all the the digestion process (so your system still believe you're currently eating for…
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