How do you do it?

I can't seem to lose weight for love nor money... I am constantly eating as never feel full.. Please help. xx


  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    I eat around 1200-1300ish calories a day, as well as 45 minutes of cardio. So far it's been working good, 2 lbs or so a week. The thing is though, is to be sure you're eating enough. Starving yourself will not work. What I'm eating is the bare minimum.
  • michaelabridezilla
    Saruman what do YOU eat? x
  • irefusetoquit
    Michelle, I've been exercising the past few years. When I ate 1200 calories a day plus exercising, I had no energy and lost inches. This year, I was eating 1900calories a day plus exercising, and only lost a little. Now I haven't been exercising the past few weeesk and have been eating about 1300-1500 calories a day and I've already lost over 3 pounds.

    Saruman_w is right on. Be sure you're eating enough and eating the right calories. Starving won't work at all.

    If you need help, send me a message. I'll be happy to help you.
  • tjames30
    tjames30 Posts: 229 Member
    Calories in and calories out. My nutritionist said that woment she eat a minimum of 1200 calories a day, no matter what size you are. That is the lowest you should consume so that your body doesn't go into starvation mode. Have you been exercising? Do you eat healthy foods for your calories or junk?
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    Saruman what do YOU eat? x

    My diary's open. But generally for breakfast I eat some Koshi cereal, for lunch a sandwich, small bag of chips an apple, and for dinner... sometimes some vegetable bags that you put in the microwave, a banana or another apple and another small bag of chips.
  • michaelabridezilla
    Calories in and calories out. My nutritionist said that woment she eat a minimum of 1200 calories a day, no matter what size you are. That is the lowest you should consume so that your body doesn't go into starvation mode. Have you been exercising? Do you eat healthy foods for your calories or junk?

    As bad as this sounds but I eat everything oven baked chips/dippers/burgers.

    I haven't exercised for over 2 weeks but walked at least 2 hrs a day. I don't know what are good calories and what are bad. Sad I know. xx
  • michaelabridezilla
    Saruman what do YOU eat? x

    My diary's open. But generally for breakfast I eat some Koshi cereal, for lunch a sandwich, small bag of chips an apple, and for dinner... sometimes some vegetable bags that you put in the microwave, a banana or another apple and another small bag of chips.

    Thank you. x
  • lgwmab
    lgwmab Posts: 274 Member
    I watch closely what i eat, as an example, a big mac, or grilled chicken sandwich, no mayo, maybe mustard instead. I also think if I eat this, how much do I need to burn off so I can eat something else. I enjoy lean protien, like fish and chicken, but I must admit, fresh vegetables are my favorite, breaded and fried with Ranch, the best to me, but you just need to make it work for you. Most of what I have been doing is starting to transfer to my fiancee, he is starting to watch what he eats more, and hopefully soon will start exercising with me.
    Drinking plenty of water helps as well, if you are not a fan of plain water, add a slice of lemon, or cucumber to it, added flavor, some drink additives are great to get you going, but can be laoded with things you don't like.
  • michaelabridezilla
    I watch closely what i eat, as an example, a big mac, or grilled chicken sandwich, no mayo, maybe mustard instead. I also think if I eat this, how much do I need to burn off so I can eat something else. I enjoy lean protien, like fish and chicken, but I must admit, fresh vegetables are my favorite, breaded and fried with Ranch, the best to me, but you just need to make it work for you. Most of what I have been doing is starting to transfer to my fiancee, he is starting to watch what he eats more, and hopefully soon will start exercising with me.
    Drinking plenty of water helps as well, if you are not a fan of plain water, add a slice of lemon, or cucumber to it, added flavor, some drink additives are great to get you going, but can be laoded with things you don't like.

    What about dillutated fruit juice?
    What meat is best for me?
    I can't stand vegtables or salad. xx
  • StaticCat
    Try to control WHAT you are eating.

    For many people, Carbs doesn't remove hunger (or only for small duration). If it is not already the case, try to eat a little more fiber in your diet. Fibers absorb nutriments and release them during all the the digestion process (so your system still believe you're currently eating for some hours after the meal).

    Also, fibers tends to eleminate hunger quite quickly. What fills you up more?
    -A popstart (or 2 white bread slice)
    -4.5 cup of Broccoli?

    They contains the same amounts of calories ;-).

    Also, try to cut sugars in general because the human body doesn't compute that you've eaten half of those calories (making you eating more).

    Even if it seems hard to believe, Fat doesn't make you fat and are generaly better to stop hunger than carbs in general. (But be wary, each grams/oz contains more than the double of calories than carbs/proteins!)

    Proteins are generaly good, even for someone who isn't active... but they tends to be more expensive than carbs/fat so don't base your diet solely on them (Anyway, you'll get sick if you do, lol) ;-)

    I hope it helped you a little and if you want more informations, don't hesitate to ask for more =)

    (P.S. Sorry for my bad english, it is not my native language)
  • michaelabridezilla
    Try to control WHAT you are eating.

    For many people, Carbs doesn't remove hunger (or only for small duration). If it is not already the case, try to eat a little more fiber in your diet. Fibers absorb nutriments and release them during all the the digestion process (so your system still believe you're currently eating for some hours after the meal).

    Also, fibers tends to eleminate hunger quite quickly. What fills you up more?
    -A popstart (or 2 white bread slice)
    -4.5 cup of Broccoli?

    They contains the same amounts of calories ;-).

    Also, try to cut sugars in general because the human body doesn't compute that you've eaten half of those calories (making you eating more).

    Even if it seems hard to believe, Fat doesn't make you fat and are generaly better to stop hunger than carbs in general. (But be wary, each grams/oz contains more than the double of calories than carbs/proteins!)

    Proteins are generaly good, even for someone who isn't active... but they tends to be more expensive than carbs/fat so don't base your diet solely on them (Anyway, you'll get sick if you do, lol) ;-)

    I hope it helped you a little and if you want more informations, don't hesitate to ask for more =)

    (P.S. Sorry for my bad english, it is not my native language)

    Thing is I have no idea what food contains what? x
  • StaticCat
    There, I cannot help you except to learn how to read nutrition informations behind your food =)

    MyFitnessPal can also help you there, by making a food diary, you can see how mani carbs/fat/proteins you're eating each days. It is just an approximation, but it certainly helps.

    You can also set what information to display in your settings, I recommend you:

    Carbs - Fat - Proteins - Sugars - Fibers

    -Carbs are good if you're an active person, if it is not the case, watch the quantity you eat.

    -Fat, be prudent with them, if you eat too much of the wrong sort of fat, you may get many diseases like hypertension and cholesterol. Generaly, saturated and trans fat are bad (In other words, cooked fat). 'Raw' fats (like nuts) are healthy,

    -Proteins, even if MyfitnessPal says you're eating too much, it still perfectly okay =). The only problem that may come from that is if you eat ABUSIVE amount of proteins without being properly hydrated, you may develops kidney stones.

    -Sugar: Avoid the stuff as much as possible UNLESS you have some fibers with it to reduce its 'damage'. So fruits are are always okay from that perpective. (And if you wants Candy/ice creams, eat an apple a little before or after, it may help, lol)

    -Fibers: Found in vegetable, fruits and whole grain celerals. They will help to 'fill' that hunger you seems to have. Again, even if MyfitnessPal says you're eating too much of that stuff, it is still okay =). Some people are intolerent to Gluten so too much fibers from celerals may cause some problems, it is somewhat rare, if it is the case, avoid fibers from whole grains.

    However, I must warn you, Success comes from moderation! =). Don't try to completly eleminate something or create fixed rules on anything (Like completly avoid saturated fat). Just take these tips as a general guidelines, it will be okay. ;-)

    When you begin to check what kind of food is 'healthy' you quickly realise that EVERYTHING is 'poison' by somebody, so I'll repeat myself: Success comes from MODERATION, not extreme diets ! ;-)

    Also, try to avoid DRINKING your calories in form of juice and sodas... Even if it is pure juice from real fruits, the absence of fibers will generally make you hungry for more.

    Another Tips, have a cheat meal once per week, where you can eat anything you wish even if it is not healty. Just having a planned day will help you to resist tentations until that moment comes ;-) (And you will appreciate that cheat meal much better, lol)

    I hope it helped you a little more =).
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