

  • I LOVE your goals!! WHat a GREAT idea!!! I have had the final goal (rocking it at my 20 year High School reunion next summer) but had not thought about the smaller in-between stage goals! I'm gonna set some today!
  • 38 lbs gone....how could he NOT!!! WAY TO GO!!!
  • Try...walking while holding in your stomach. You have to remember to do that while you are Turbo Jamming, too! I ALWAYS forget. It will help with your posture too! The more you keep it "tucked-in" the stronger those muscles that hold your stomach in will be. I would also suggest that you do the ab excersies. Lying on your…
  • I know...my two favorite teams...lose-lose either way! ;-( Will miss them, but maybe they will really get motivated and kick some tail for the finale!
  • Freecycle.com is another GREAT place to look. It is ONLY free items. You aren't guarenteed to receive it, but hey, it is worth asking if someone has a clothesrack (a.k.a treadmill) they aren't using. They just might give it to you! Good Luck!
  • I am really sticking with my 1200 calories AND working out. I've lost 8lbs in 3 weeks. Of course, most of that came before I began working out regularly (just this past week). It is a hard adjustment...switching my eating habits, but the database here has been so helpful. I have spent quite a bit of time just typing in…