
Alright its been two months this week and I know I seem impatient however I want my belly flab to go away. I normally walk about 2miles a day. I can do 2miles in about a 1/2hour and I was just wondering if walking will rid me of the belly flab. I have also been doing turbo jam. Im in the turbo jam group Yea us!! I guess i just want to see results. And I have been seeing it in the scale just not so much in my stomach. Do I just have to be more patient?? :noway:


  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    Alright its been two months this week and I know I seem impatient however I want my belly flab to go away. I normally walk about 2miles a day. I can do 2miles in about a 1/2hour and I was just wondering if walking will rid me of the belly flab. I have also been doing turbo jam. Im in the turbo jam group Yea us!! I guess i just want to see results. And I have been seeing it in the scale just not so much in my stomach. Do I just have to be more patient?? :noway:
  • jenken99
    jenken99 Posts: 564 Member
    walking is good!!!!, my sister and i walk every day about 2.5 miles it takes a while to walk this my sister walk slower than i , i do not mind it is quality time, and it is still a benfit,, the turbo jam suppose to be a big help mayb start doin some type of belly exercises such as sit ups (back in the day this is what we did) just a idea :flowerforyou:
  • daisygirl3626
    Try...walking while holding in your stomach. You have to remember to do that while you are Turbo Jamming, too! I ALWAYS forget. It will help with your posture too! The more you keep it "tucked-in" the stronger those muscles that hold your stomach in will be. I would also suggest that you do the ab excersies. Lying on your back, lift your legs up...this works the lower (below the belly button) muscles...lying on your side, crunch (Shoulder to hip), and then the regular crunches. WHEN I did these on a regular basis (back in the day), my stomach rocked....

    Just a few of the things I work on....
  • Jules4506
    walking will work but it takes time. I've been walking 12-15 miles every week since June and its just now starting to catch up with me. You also have to watch those calories...I found that when I first started walking my appetite increased too.
  • greenbaum9
    walking -- I walk, too, but i have a hard time getting myself to go out and do it. Yet, when Iget out there and walk I feel great afterwards. Walk at your own pace, and aim for increasing distance; then try to pick up the pace. Be patient. The more often you walk, the better.I carry most of my weight in my belly, and with me the weight comes off from top to bottom first, my face gets thinner, then my boobs, etc.
    It is is very hard to lose belly fat, but don't give up. What is 'turbo jamming'?

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I read that if you walk in different ways it hits different muscles.

    You already walk a very fast mile so you have the cardio part down.

    You can add arms to increase the heart rate, thus burning more calories. Less fat, less belly!

    I walk to music and found myself moving to the beat, swinging my hips as I held in my stomach.

    The next day you would think I did 20 minute ab workout. My obliques, top and bottom stomach hurt. So now I do one mile regular and the 2nd mile I groove to the music. I thought people would look at me funny, but now I see the other regulars doign it to.

    Good Luck!:flowerforyou:
  • BrandNewLaura
    BrandNewLaura Posts: 1,650 Member
    I just emailed you about this, but in case you see the boards first, Prevention magazine's October issues has some awesome exercises for this very thing...check it out...as soon as I saw it I thought of this post and wanted to let you know!
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    thank you everyone for the advice. I will try everything I can. Some of thise exercising and stuff must be paying off because I lost 2lbs this week. YEA ME. Im so excited. Thanks again for your help. By the way I was able to drink 67oz of water today. Another one of my goals i wanted to do. :flowerforyou:
  • armywife02
    I use Walk Away the Pounds, by Leslie Sansone. I have lost weight using her dvds. It's better for me walking at home since I am not dependent on the weather outside or sick kids going to a sitter, etc. and it's more of a whole body workout than standard walking. might try that. www.lesliesansone.com has her walking DVDs and info and testimonials of ppl who have lost real weight using this in home walking system. and I have gotten great deals buying the dvds on amazon.com. good luck.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Thanks I am going to order it thru netflix....walking with leslie sansone
  • luvchi3
    luvchi3 Posts: 167
    I use Walk Away the Pounds, by Leslie Sansone. I have lost weight using her dvds. It's better for me walking at home since I am not dependent on the weather outside or sick kids going to a sitter, etc. and it's more of a whole body workout than standard walking. might try that. www.lesliesansone.com has her walking DVDs and info and testimonials of ppl who have lost real weight using this in home walking system. and I have gotten great deals buying the dvds on amazon.com. good luck.

    I have one of her dvd's i don't even remember where i got it but i where i live we have long winters and the weather isn't always great even in the spring/summer/fall time either. and without a treadmill i thought it was a good idea.

    i can't believe what an incredible workout it is, i guess cuz it's really more than just walking with all the different moves but its still simple like walking, i was sore for days

    i didn't think anyone else had ever heard of it cuz the dvd looks kinda generic
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    I just moved it up to the top of my queue on netflix. I can't wait till it comes.
  • BrandNewLaura
    BrandNewLaura Posts: 1,650 Member
    Ahhhh so glad Leslie is catching on! I have 13 of her DVDs and I LOVE LOVE LOVE her. She is sweet and encouraging and her workouts are intense but easy to keep up with. I just got done with one and I feel so great! Check out eBay...I found all of mine on there for pretty cheap!

    Edit: I think she is in PA not too terribly far from me, and one of my dreams when I get closer to my goal weight is to meet her and workout in her studio...and I'd LOVE to be in one of her workout DVDs when I start looking smokin' hot too! LOL
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: YAY on your water goals!:flowerforyou:
    thank you everyone for the advice. I will try everything I can. Some of thise exercising and stuff must be paying off because I lost 2lbs this week. YEA ME. Im so excited. Thanks again for your help. By the way I was able to drink 67oz of water today. Another one of my goals i wanted to do. :flowerforyou:
  • ohthatbambi
    ohthatbambi Posts: 1,098 Member
    I would add about 15 more minutes to your walking and make it a complete 45. I walk alot too. I don't care how crazy I look but I swing my arms and speed walk for some of it and change it up just to work different muscles.
  • greenbaum9
    I read that if you walk in different ways it hits different muscles.

    You already walk a very fast mile so you have the cardio part down.

    You can add arms to increase the heart rate, thus burning more calories. Less fat, less belly!

    I walk to music and found myself moving to the beat, swinging my hips as I held in my stomach.

    The next day you would think I did 20 minute ab workout. My obliques, top and bottom stomach hurt. So now I do one mile regular and the 2nd mile I groove to the music. I thought people would look at me funny, but now I see the other regulars doign it to.

    Good Luck!:flowerforyou:
  • greenbaum9
    my biggest hurdle is to DO the excercise:frown:
    :grumble: :grumble:
  • honeybunchthree
    honeybunchthree Posts: 76 Member
    Walking is so good for you! It just takes time to see the results , they are happening!
    I started walking in June and now I mix it up with a old lady jog. one mile walk, one mile jog, one mile walk , but I had to work up to being able to do that. Some days I just walk, and I mix it up with strength training, but not too often.

    Belly flab, boy do I have that. I had my youngest daughter at age 40, and had a c section so oh yeah I have that beautiful overhang from being overwieght and out of shape.

    Today i look in the mirror and I am getting smaller and the belly flab is still there, but I know it just takes time to get it back in shape and it takes hard work.

    My trainer suggested this: We ladies with the belly flab and c-section hangover, have to do at least 500 hundred ab exercises a day. That to get it back where it was before babies, and it takes a while to do that.

    Just keep doing what you are doing and add turbo jam abs, or any ab routine to your daily workout.
    If ytou would like an ab routine I could email it to ya.
    Good luck. I would love to hear about your progress, keep in touch. We kind of have the same body issues.:happy:
  • greenbaum9
    I'm still having problems getting myself to get out of the house (it's my comfort zone), but, today I did go out and walked but only for 10 minutes. It was beautiful outside. I will get better at this.