outdoorrecrocks Member


  • Okay. SW: 170 CW: 165 FGW: 145 Labor Day Goal: Maintain my exercise schedule and eat whole foods at every meal. And drop to 163? I moved, am renovating my house, and am starting a new job, so all my habits have gone haywire (especially for the 6 weeks I had no kitchen!). I keep prioritizing other activities or people. So…
  • Hey there. Is it too late to join your challenge? I'm looking for some accountability and folks who are active to check in with!
  • So without getting into all the cycling lingo.. The training sessions are group sessions but designed about your functional threshhold. Most folks are racers looking for indoor training. I've been a pretty serious cyclist, but despite my efforts to connect with a group here of people who will push me, I just haven't been…
  • I found Geneen Roth's books quite informative. In particular, I enjoyed Women, Food and God. I also read a book called Normal Eating. It didn't connect with me as well because there weren't stories as part of it, but it has good information.
  • For me, the first thing I did was switch from eating sugar and processed food to eating healthy food. So, when I craved junk, I let myself eat until I could eat no more -- but of apples, nuts, salad, eggs, etc. This way, I could eat and simultaneously, I could switch from unhealthy to healthy foods. I still ate too much,…
  • While the scales aren't accurate, what they do effectively is measure a change in body fat. So you can determine whether you're going up or down. You do need to measure regularly to determine your base. Usually the instruction manual will describe how to do that and point out that large variations usually have to do with…
  • I don't have any good news -- just shared frustration. I'm always hungry and while the scale does slip down from time to time, it also slips back up with the same regularity. I'm pretty confused about what's going on for me. I'm athletic, but technically overweight given my weight. I know I have a reasonable amount of…