chelroxxx Member


  • congratulations!!!!!!! keep up the good work :)
  • I feel your pain... I am in the same boat... I have a 5 y/o... He doesn't wanna eat salad. he likes chocolate milk and cookies. I dont deprive him because he is not on a diet :) My boyfriend also indulges on whatever he pleases. I try to keep fresh fruit in the house so I have something healthy to snack on. Also, don't…
  • :) way to go! keep it up
  • yea i have the same problem... some things just go unseen... there are so many people who post on here and its easy to lose a post in the madness :) dont take it personal we are all in this together :)
  • nice to meet you and congratulations on your weight loss :) if you dont mind im gonna send a friend request :)
  • well my doctor put me on a 1000 calorie a day diet so i think that has a lot to do with it. im lazy, so i dont work out at all... which i need to change :D I recently got some zumba dvds but have hesitated to open them :(
  • I do the same thing I have learned to blend in, where I used to be the life of the party. It is a horrible feeling when you realize that this is what your life has come to. I am going to send a friend request, if you need support you can message me :)
  • Thanks everyone for your support. I really needed to vent and you guys are awesome :) <3