I fell off the wagon...

Saturday, I had breakfast at McDonalds... this wouldn't be so bad if I hadn't ate all my days calories in one sitting... That was the start of my downfall... I drank soda, I ate chips, I indulged in anything and everything I wanted. Sunday was my grandmas birthday. This is bad news if you are part of my family. Everyone wants you to eat... Everything... Of course after commenting on my weight loss... Anyways, after the cook out, me and my boyfriend had a few friends over and it just went down hill from there. They all decided to go to Sonic... which I suppose is okay... Who am I to tell them what to eat... They all encouraged me to eat whatever I wanted and log it later... So I did... BIG MISTAKE! 1,898 calories later, I'm feeling disgusting and guilty... What do I do? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! horrible right? Anyways, today is a new day... Yesterday is the past right? Whatever, I hate myself after this weekend... I just needed to vent... You guys don't have to reply...


  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    Dust yourself off, start fresh. I read this on Women's Health today:

    Move on after a mistake
    OK, you overindulged. What's the next step? "Forget about it," says James Newman, a nutritionist at Tahlequah City Hospital, in Tahlequah, Oklahoma, who followed his own advice to shed 300 pounds. (That's right, three hundred.) "One meal doesn't define your diet, so don't assume that you've failed or fallen off the wagon," he says.

    Institute a simple rule: Follow any "cheat" meal with at least five healthy meals and snacks. That ensures that you'll be eating right more than 80 percent of the time.


    You'll recover. You can do this!
  • RoseCoreling
    RoseCoreling Posts: 55 Member
    Don't be too hard on yourself!! We ALL have days/meals where we cheat!!! You have to be able to give yourself a cheat once in awhile or you'll go crazy. I do! I know if I don't, I'll get burnt out and stop all together.
    Try not to stress on it too much and keep truckin'! :)
  • Saksgirl1
    Saksgirl1 Posts: 248
    I think everyone falls off the wagon on occasion... if you didn't, you wouldn't be human - you'd be a creepy body builder guy! Stay positive and start fresh... you'll be fine!!!!
  • Katbaran
    Katbaran Posts: 605 Member
    "I fell off the wagon..."

    Then just chase that puppy down and hop back on!!! Live and learn.
  • tlcAK
    tlcAK Posts: 671 Member
    No worries...we have all been there! You just gotta think today is a new day. You can do this.. :)
  • campi_mama
    campi_mama Posts: 350 Member
    It happens! Trashing yourself won't change it. Get on the right track now. Don't let it turn into a complete downward spiral. Acknowledge and move on. You can do it...
  • yeah,
    look at this as a 'what can I learn from this'
    clearly, you've noticed your mistakes. thats a great start. so just think what you can do next time you're at McDonalds, or at a family gathering, or at Sonic.
    What other choices you could make next time so you don't feel like this again?
    thats how you'll see progress =] little improvements.
  • Dont beat yourself up over it, it happens and we have all been there. I have fallen off the wagon so many times but all you can do is pick yourself up and start again.
  • moylie
    moylie Posts: 195
    Institute a simple rule: Follow any "cheat" meal with at least five healthy meals and snacks. That ensures that you'll be eating right more than 80 percent of the time.


    I like that! Me, too... I fell off the wagon the last two weekends. I feel bloated, gassy, yucky. Blech. I guess my body is revolting the "bad choices" I made. Really, they LEFT the birthday cake here? :)

    You're right. The past is the past, move on from here. Make GREAT choices this week, keep up with the exercising, and move on. It's just so dang hard in the summer time. I want to indulge and "reward" myself, but also know that I have to keep up the hard work, so I don't start backsliding. We're here with you, can relate, support and sympathize, for sure. CHIN UP!
  • PuzzleGirl65
    PuzzleGirl65 Posts: 81 Member
    Institute a simple rule: Follow any "cheat" meal with at least five healthy meals and snacks. That ensures that you'll be eating right more than 80 percent of the time.

    Ooh, I like this! I'm really new at this and so far I haven't been tempted to "cheat" but I know it's inevitable. Hang in there michellelohara! Today is definitely a new day and you CAN do this!!!
  • Scoochie1
    Scoochie1 Posts: 121 Member
    Happens to the best of us. Chalk it up to experience and start again tomorrow. Hopefully the remorse will keep you on the straight and narrow for a bit. Good luck!
  • jojowack
    jojowack Posts: 17 Member
    I know how you feel! The weekends are so hard to stay on track. Don't feel bad though - a lot of people have a hard time Friday-Sunday. What helped me and what might help you too is the book "Eat this not that". It teaches easy calorie-saving tips for a range of situations such as this. It is written like a manual so you can easily skim through and has lots of pictures. I keep it in my car so I can refer to it before eating out. I promise, you won't regret reading it!
  • JennieD2
    JennieD2 Posts: 66
    Oh honey I feel for you. But it's just one weekend. If losing weight were easy we wouldn't need mfp or any of the other thousands of diet plans that are out there. Don't hate yourself or feel guilty - just put it behind you and start a new day. The beauty of mfp is that when we do fall off the wagon (and we all do!) once that clock gets to midnight the calorie counter goes back to zero. A new day! A new chance to do things right and no more guilt!!! :happy:
  • kd80538
    kd80538 Posts: 97 Member
    We all have those days - and we're human. One day/weekend cannot ruin everything you've worked for. I had a similar day on Saturday - didn't walk, exercise - in fact, I think the most activity I got was walking into the burger joint! But it was one day. And as much as I hate to admit it, the burger was one of the most amazing burgers I've ever eaten!! And I needed it - I needed to have an indulgence to feel human, and to feel a little free. I realize that the rest of my life will be filled with very concious decisions on what to eat, and how to manage my weight - and because of that, I need to allow myself a day every few months to indulge. What really matters is today - drink lots of water, eat sensible fiber, avoid overdoing the carbs - eat as naturally as possible (I call it the naked diet - naked (unprocessed/natural) food to make me like myself naked!) :) You can rebound from this...and I speak from experience...I've had a few of these "fly off the wagon" days on my 50lb journey...hang in there!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • kd80538
    kd80538 Posts: 97 Member
    Oooh - I like that rule - follow a "cheat" meal by 5 healthy meals...will definitely keep that in mind. It's completely logical, and total common sense, but a good one to hang on to! Thanks for posting it!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • MzMiller1215
    MzMiller1215 Posts: 633 Member
    Michelle, I know exactly how you feel. I had a day like that just last week. This is a day-by-day journey for the rest of our lives, so try not to get too discouraged. I do commend you for being upset about how much you ate because that lets me know that you DO want to eat better; that is the first step to making a change. Fortunately, you have a lot of support here and we won't let you fail!
  • chelroxxx
    chelroxxx Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks everyone for your support. I really needed to vent and you guys are awesome :)<3