been here for about a month

chelroxxx Posts: 13 Member
still dont have many friends. so.... who wants to be my buddy? add me :)


  • thecowgirl72
    thecowgirl72 Posts: 16 Member
    welcome aboard! Looks like you've been doing great. What are your tricks? I could sure use your good advice! - Kristi :flowerforyou:
  • chelroxxx
    chelroxxx Posts: 13 Member
    well my doctor put me on a 1000 calorie a day diet so i think that has a lot to do with it. im lazy, so i dont work out at all... which i need to change :D I recently got some zumba dvds but have hesitated to open them :(
  • Maclaren
    Maclaren Posts: 9
    hey been on here a few weeks. Hope the working out goes well!
  • RoseBudd85
    RoseBudd85 Posts: 49
    I really encourage you too break out the Zumba! I just started doing the DVDs and now look forward to working out. lol That's a first for me.
  • thecowgirl72
    thecowgirl72 Posts: 16 Member
    So . . I truly Haven't been here in about a month (again). I was at a funeral yesterday and as is standard in today's world and around my family, food was there for comfort. Actually for my family, food is just ALWAYS there. I couldn't believe it .. . .in the back of the large room where the casket was, there were tables and a food buffet. Little sandwiches, veggies n dip, choc-dipped strawberries and some AWESOME mini-cream puffs, and other such snacks. Just goes to prove that as people mourn we rely on an instant fix of a great SWEET, FATTY cream puff!

    In this example, in case you haven't figured it, it kinda increased the sadness I felt. So, it motivated me to come back on here and rev it up again, I just joined a group here that just started entitled "Lose 30 lbs by Sept 20." So . . .now that's gonna my new goal. Kinda high and I'd actually be OK w/ 20 lbs by that date.

    How have you been doing? Right now, I'm gonna pull out a Jillian video ... wish me luck