

  • I dont think my body is getting used to the routine, but maybe the foods. Insanity switches it up all the time. You are all so helpful, I cant tell you how much i appreciate the support!
  • I really dont think I am eating enough calories, but I never know what to eat! Im hardly ever hungry, and it seems when I do eat enough calories I gain. Also I dont know how much Im burning during the workouts.
  • Thanks for the advice everyone. I suppose I am just being impatient. I know that muscle weighs more than fat, I guess I just didn't think that I could build muscle after only a week and a half. I will continue to do what I have been doing because im in this for the long haul. I am changing my lifestyle to be happier and…
  • It will get better. I was in your boat for a long time. It was just recently that I finally decided I didnt want to feel that way about myself any more. You're a very pretty lady, and you shouldnt be so down on yourself. Make an effort every day to try to do better than the day before. If you do over eat or eat bad, just…
  • Just get up and do it! You can do this. Go read the success stories, look at the pictures. It's not going to be easy, sometimes its going to be really hard, but its always worth it! Dont give up and dont get down on yourself! Get motivated and get going! I read this on someones post on this site and it keeps me motivated…
  • Congratulations on 4 pounds lost!! This is a great site to find friends and motivation! Good Luck on your weight loss journey and dont give up!
  • I am starting Insanity today!! My husband and I did the Fit Test on Friday just to see what it was like, but we are going to do it again today and actually start the program. I can't wait to see the end results! Good Luck to you and congrats on one inch lost!
  • I am using the Nuva ring right now. I don't have to remember to take a pill every day, which is great. I'd like to try Mirena again so I can quit worrying about changing the ring every month, and also to save the twenty dollars each month. (My insurance covers Mirena 100%)
  • Thanks so much!! I am still kinda new to this site, but so far I love it! Everyone is so supportive, and it really helps me to stay motivated! Thank you for the advice, I've heard its pretty intense.
  • I had mirena put in about 5 months after having my first baby. It was not terribly painful for me, and I have a low pain tolerance, and forgot to take motrin. I also have a terrific doctor lol. After about three days the Mirena became dislodged. I made an appointment with my doctor because I was having significant spotting…
  • I'm in. This will be my first challenge!