

  • funny as that might sound i will have to pass.
  • I normally eat all my calories for the day I very rarely am under (today is one of the days that I am under lol) If anything I might have like 100 or 50 calories left and its the end of the day at like 9pm and I try not to eat at night because then I'm starving in the morning and for the rest of the day. Is there something…
  • I do the same something serious came up and i missed lunch so i have a ton of calories left over because i did go to the gym. I try not to eat after like 8pm because i find myself laying in bed with a noisy stomach and then i'm starving at 530am when i wake up and feel hungry all day even if i stick to my…
  • I am counting calories again! Sorry, I forgot to mention that I guess. :) I stay under the limit daily. I have heard that muscle weighs more than fat but I dont see any muscle building up so I guess I don't think of it as that being the reason. I'm just so frustrated and I guess it seemed like the first 15lbs fell off and…
  • I LOOOOVE Thanksgiving I love the snacking the cooking the DESSERTS!!! This year, I will be staying home alone with my son. My family is getting together in NY and I will be staying in WA. One, it costs a lot and interferes with my school schedule but also if I go home I will over eat and feel like I set myself back.
  • My husband outweighs me. We are both at pretty much the average weight for our heights. I would not want to outweigh him though. I think it looks odd when the woman is larger than the man but i know that everyone deserves love. :) My goal is to lose another 14lbs and tone and he works out to build muscle so I'd say we are…
  • I'm 5'2'' and when i was at 140 (a little less than my starting weight) I was wearing size 8/10. I am now at 130 and i haven't been able to shop for new shorts yet but the 8/10's are falling off so my guess is that I'm at about a 4/6 now! :) good luck! Those are US sizes by the way.
  • Lol! I'm sorry but it's true...if that is you in your profile picture it doesn't look like you really have much to worry about but I see all these people posting ideas and you have been shooting them all down. Obviously you want them more than you want to stop eating them. Your mom isn't pushing them down your throat part…
    in OREOS Comment by amontroy1 August 2011
  • Thanks ladies! Not the first time I've been told to do weight training. I just feel like I don't know where to start. I prefer to do the whole workout at the gym because when I get home my 3yr old son is with me and I also have cleaning, cooking...etc to do and my "drive" has worn off by the time I get home from the gym.…
  • I'm 5'2" my current weight is 140 and my goal is 125-120. I was 125 when I met my husband and pregnancy left me with weight that did not just seem to disappear after I had our son....almost 4yrs ago! My husband is deployed and comes home for R&R mid-August and my goal is to be 10lbs lighter. When he comes home in December…
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