My stomach is VERY loud's embarrassing!

I go to school Mon-Fri and I am in class from 8am-noon each day. I eat breakfast at about 6:30am and then I eat a snack (usually a pack of 6 peanut butter crackers) at 9am and even after that my stomach is making crazy noises. It's embarrassing because it's always when the class is really quiet and I feel like everyone who can hear it thinks I'm going to crap my pants or that I farted. I eat lunch at noon when my last class is over and even right after I eat lunch my stomach makes those crazy noises. If I snack too much during the day then I don't have enough calories for dinner or a small snack when I get home before dinner. Any suggestions or reasons why this is happening all the sudden?


  • MikeDailyIntake
    What you do is litterly fart one time and when someone looks at you, just look them dead in the eyes and stare. Thats all you need to do.
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    What kind of noises?
    Hunger noises? Then that might mean that your stomach is empty, and is basically compressing air with its muscles. So, if this is the case, you might want to eat more of low calories food in the morning, or more "compact" food.
    E.g. I personally take 2 weetabix and a 200 ml of soya milk, this is literally like concrete in your stomach, and I can normally survive mornings easily with that (I would avoid the peanut butter crackers, if it is very high in calories).
    Also when I eat fruit, I fell hungry and my stomach makes noises - so some food do that to you (they make you want more food).

    If you are talking about digestion noises, then just try to find what food you have difficulties digesting by elimination.
  • amontroy1
    Options funny as that might sound i will have to pass.

    What you do is litterly fart one time and when someone looks at you, just look them dead in the eyes and stare. Thats all you need to do.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    If it's not hunger, it could be some kind of bacterial or acid imbalance in your gut. Try taking some over-the-counter Pepcid or Tagamet for a couple of weeks, or maybe some probiotics. I had a similar issue for a while after eating some bad oysters (everyone else I was with got deathly ill for 3 days, I got rumbly stomach for 6 months) and I did a combo of Tagamet and probiotics and that helped it, it took maybe 2-3 weeks to settle down.