b1791 Member


  • For a year I cycled between hypo and hyper but my blood tests were always "normal". It wasn't until I started having extreme hyper symptoms for 3 months and then I switched to hypo symptoms that my blood work came back as out of range and I started treatment with Synthroid. I was later told I had gone through Thyroiditis.…
  • I love my Ozeri 4x3razor ...I ordered it from Amazon and it's really light and thin.
  • When I was a size 34H/34I I would always modify the exercises I was doing to make myself more comfortable, but still keeping the intensity. I never did a true jumping jack, always a half jack. Even now, 18 months after my breast reduction, I still don't like doing the jumping jacks in the 30DS video...still do half jacks :)
  • I agree. The one time I tried to drink 8 glasses I felt so sick that night it was awful. I usually drink around 4 - 6 and feel good.
  • I watched a stand up comedian on the weekend who talked about all the frozen bananas in his freezer that his wife swears is going to use to make banana bread. I thought my husband was going to pee his pants laughing...needless to say my freezer is full of a lot of bananas LOL.
  • I always buy only 3 or 4 at a time as I can't eat them fast enough either. I also buy them on the greener side.
  • I'm going to have to search for some of these. We have a Boxee Box set up on our big screen and it has a Youtube app I think. That will work great. Thanks. I love my Wii...I alternate between EA Active 2 and Zumba 2. I fit my workouts in whenever I get 20 - 30 minutes in my day.
  • My resistance bands came in a pack of 3 ...all 3 are different resistance so I can decide which one to use for each exercise. It also came in a little travel pouch.
  • Yes. My manual scale said I was 160, the Wii Fit game said I was 150 and the Wii Active game said I was 155. So...I was at my doctors the other day and asked to use their scale and it turned out I was 155 so I'm sticking with Active 2 to get my weight. It's weird how each can vary so much.
  • I'd love to use our Kinect if my kids would ever get off the Xbox LOL. But the few times I've tried it I get sweaty pretty fast and don't even realize I'm exercising...I'm just trying to kick my kids butts in a game LOL. I do use the Wii everday and love it.
  • I can't remember exactly but it's a cartoon about a "woman's yearly physical" exam. I remember getting a good chuckle out of it though LOL.
  • I love my Wii...it's the only thing that I've tried that I have really stuck with. I have EA Active 2, Wii Fit Plus and Zumba 2.
  • I use bands instead. They came in a travel pack with 3 bands of different resistance.
  • My twins are 12 and I still have twin skin! LOL. Big flabby belly and lots of stretchmarks. There better be hope to get rid of this! LOL
  • I like Wii Active 2.
  • I just bought Zumba 2 for my Wii on the weekend. I've tried it once so far and I was so sweaty after just 30 minutes! LOL. I found myself laughing a lot at my lack of coordination but that's what makes it fun.
  • I'm not sure how different a lift is from a reduction but I had a reduction last year and I took almost two weeks to go back to work. It took almost two months before I started very light exercise. I'm assuming a lift is a more minor surgery though?
  • I used to wear a 32H...now that's hard to find LOL!! I'm now (post breast reduction) a 34D and believe it or not this size is still hard to find. Oh, and the most I ever spent on a custom fit bra was $150!
  • I found I had to wear 2 sports bras to keep them sort of under control. I always looked at those really good ones online and wished I had bought one. I've since had a breast reduction last year so it's not really a concern anymore LOL.
  • Exercise DVDs and Wii Active 2. I like these way better than going to the gym.
  • I've got it on hold from the library so I'll pick it up and start on the 1st with everyone else. If I like it I'll grab a copy for myself.
    in 30 Day Shred Comment by b1791 March 2012
  • My mom recently had a TSH of 0 and she was confirmed hyperthyroid (Graves) but the weird thing is she was gaining weight like crazy. Her endocronologist said it can happen that you can gain weight with hyper.
  • The only thing I know of is time. I had twins so my stomach was REALLY big and I have a lot of stretch marks. That was 12 years ago so they're pretty much faded now but they're still there. I still wear a bikini and I could care less what others think of my marks LOL.
  • Just this morning I did my usual once a week weight check and I'm, you guessed it, still 150lbs. Though I feel stronger and healthier I have been the same weight since last August. I've decided to give up on the weight loss thing and just concentrate on keeping up with exercising and healthy food choices. I used to be a…
  • I've been stuck at 150 since last August. Upped my calories a week ago and I'm exactly the same weight as last week. Come to think of it...I ate like a PIG at Christmas for 2 solid weeks and I never gained weight. Maybe my body is just happy at this weight.
  • I'd like to know this as well. I tried to drink all 8 glasses for a couple days last week and not only did I have to go to the bathroom every 20 minutes, but I felt really lousy by the end of those days.
  • I have found it to be more difficult when they are older because you can't watch them 24/7 as this is when they are starting to become independent and they have a lot of influences outside of the home. And as much as you hope they are following what you've taught them there is no guarantees.
  • I developed 2 different autoimmune diseases at the same time so I'm not 100% sure I can differentiate between the two but I'm pretty sure my hypo symptoms were the usual - hair loss, weight gain, no energy, dry skin and there are some others. Even though I've been treated (Synthroid) for a few years now I still have…
  • I've been at the same weight for many months as well. I just upped my calories last week so I'll see if it made a difference. I don't weigh in until tomorrow morning.
  • I (re)started January 1st and haven't lost a pound LOL! But, I can RUN up our 2 flights of stairs in the house and I'm definately feeling a lot stronger than I was.