jls8209 Member


  • ^^ Similar here in Canada. No talk about inducing from OBs or midwives unless there's a medical reason, or you're overdue (10 days for OB, 14 for midwives).
  • I was offered a sweep with my first baby at 39+3 and I declined figuring baby would come when she was ready (plus I didn't want anybody's hands up there if it wasn't necessary. I didn't have any cervical checks during my pregnancy, either). At 40+3 I went to my regularly scheduled OB appt and was in the early stages of…
  • I'm so glad I can finally join this thread! Height: 5'9" Pre-Pregnancy weight: 138.5 lbs In labour at 40w2d: 187 lbs Total Gain: 48.5 lbs (eek!) 1 week Post Partum: 173.5 lbs (-13.5 lbs) I gained 36 lbs during my last pregnancy and it took until 6.5 months PP to lose it all (physically I didn't do much the first 2 months…
  • Erindolly - tell your coworkers, etc, to check out this link www.haveyouhadthatbabyyet.com I highly recommend using it as your Facebook status, too. Kept people from bugging me during my first pregnancy. :laugh: I had my baby on Sept 22 but haven't had much online time on the computer (just my iPod and I can't see the…
  • So it turns out I didn't have to wait long to find out what I'd eat during labour with baby #2. She was born the day after I wrote my reply about what I ate the last time I was in labour! This time - I had a PBJ (again) around 5am while timing contractions. Ate a full breakfast (scrambled eggs, toast, coffee) a few hours…
  • I used a TENS machine during my labour this week, and would absolutely use it again. It's like Dawnie said, you need to get a maternity machine (I borrowed one from my midwife clinic), and there are 4 pads placed on your lower back. You need to start using it as soon as you think you're really in labour so your body can…
  • I had a PBJ before heading to the hospital, and I was given a meal of lasagna, cesar salad and garlic bread at supper time (before the epidural). After delivery I was given toast with PB and some OJ to refuel. Currently waiting for #2 to arrive (1 day late so far!) and was hoping to do gas/air like Dawn, so her puking…
  • Still pregnant here, too. Due tomorrow, but highly doubt baby will arrive on time. #1 was 3 days late, so fully expecting this one to be a bit late well. I saw an OB for my first pregnancy, and one of my reasons for going the midwife route this time was because I'd built a relationship with my doctor, only to have a…
  • Success! I don't know if it was any one thing or a combo, but the bugger is gone. I did nightly baths with the epsom salts, made sure the area was clean with Tucks after using the bathroom, and throughout the day I rotated between Anusol (recommended over Prep H here in Canada), Earth Mama Angel Baby bottom balm (for moms)…
  • Nothing too exciting going on over here. 33 weeks tomorrow, so 7 weeks and 1 day to go. Not that I'm counting! :laugh: I was 3 days over due with my first, so expecting to go around my due date or a bit late again. Little nugget needs to stay in until at least the first week of Sept (37.5 wks) because we live far from our…
  • Your food diary looks great! Your macros look good, calorie goal is good, food choices are excellent. The only thing I can think of is maybe increasing your strength training as adding muscle will help the number on the scale go up. How are your pre-pregnancy clothes fitting? Just like before, or loose and need to go down…
  • Yup!!! I remember telling my OB during my first pregnancy that I couldn't wait for the baby to come so I could actually sleep! When she was a newborn (<6 weeks) she was up/we woke her every 3 hours to feed, but at least when I went to bed I actually slept, and I crashed hard every time. I was still tired, but at least I…
    in No Sleep! Comment by jls8209 July 2014
  • My hormones were all over the place! I had the "urge" to have sex almost right away, but there was NO way it was going to happen before I was healed and mentally prepared for it (and got a new supply of lube). I know what you mean about feeling disappointed about having to stop. It took a few tries before I could relax…
  • Thanks for the tips! I posted on another mom group as well and have picked up a few items that were recommended. I had a shallow bath with epsom salts last night (tedious, I'm not a bath person!), and this morning I was able to pick up some Earth Mama Angel Baby products to try - a bottom balm (for moms) and a pre/post…
  • Welcome! Exercise - I had a vaginal delivery, bad 2nd tear that started high up inside, and an episiotomy on the outer area to go with it. I busted out my 30 Day Shred dvd after my 6 week check up and it was WAY too much for me. I needed about 3-4 days of rest just to recover from level 1! After that I eased back into…
  • I had a bit of an issue with this after my first delivery (vag, bad tear, pushed for over an hour). I had to make sure not to hold my pee too long, and when my vag was feeling up to it I started doing kegels again. I can't remember how long it took to go away, but I don't think it was very long.
  • I picked up some epsom salts this morning, and asked around my local FB mom group and found a store that sells Earth Mama Angel Baby products (found both a spray and a balm that sound like what I need). Hopefully I'll get to that store either tonight or tomorrow and I can start making that sucker go away!
  • I had an u/s this week and asked which side my placenta is on and the tech said mine is on the right. We won't know baby's gender until it's born, so it will be interesting to see who comes out! ETA: I just went to the top and re-read the original post. My u/s was done at 30 weeks and from the belly, so not sure how…
  • I would say about 200-300, depending on how many feeds and how long the feeds are. At 12 months my LO was still nursing 5x a day, but I had stopped logging my food by then. I just looked back at my food diary and I was allotting 300 cals for breast feeding at 10 months, and I think she was nursing the same amount then as…
  • That's insane! I saw an OB with my first and up until the third trimester my weight gain was always about 5lbs behind my week (so 20lbs gained at 25 weeks), and then I had a big jump and things evened out (30lbs at 30 weeks) and eventually slowed down for a 36lb gain. My OB never said a word! Now I'm seeing a midwife for…
  • Here (Canada) you labour/deliver in your own room (thank goodness!!!) in the birthing unit, and then you're moved about an hour or two later to the maternity ward for the remainder of your stay. It's the maternity ward rooms that are private, semi (2 people), or ward (3-4 people). I'm not 100% certain how the coverage…
  • That's awesome you passed the sugar test today, but a drag you still have to do the 3 hr! My midwife told me my exact results, but after I heard "You passed..." it kind of went through and didn't stick! :laugh: She also spewed out a few other tests that were done, and I think that's why. I just know they were all…
  • YES!!!! We had a strict "no Facebook" rule with my dad/aunt/sister in law (the only close family members on FB at the time), and I also made my wall so nobody could post any "congrats" messages and spill the beans. It was OUR news to share, and we wanted our family/close friends to hear from us first before letting the FB…
  • 29w5d now and starting to have that "I'm done" feeling! Not really any one particular thing giving me that feeling, just everything all together. Anxious to be able to move around without pain in my pubic bone, huffing and puffing going up the stairs (or even just rolling over in bed!), having more clothing options (down…
  • I keep forgetting that I'll need to pack a bag, I seriously need to write it down, or hope my midwife brings it up at a later appointment! Just about 30 weeks, so I still have time. With my first I followed the list from the hospital and barely used anything. I was told I needed to provide my own pads, so I packed a bunch…
  • Any flowy/empire waist tops/dresses will hold you over for quite a while. Same with super stretchy tanks/tshirts. Pants are iffy... depends on how you gain weight. Some women love the Bella Band over unbuttoned regular pants/jeans and can do this for quite a long time. I have one, but I gain quickly in my lower half when…
  • Stop stressing so much! You're pregnant, your hormones are raging, your body is undergoing a massive change. Pregnancy (especially some of the earlier days) can some times feel like raging PMS and you'll have days where your stomach is a bottomless pit, days where you're super cranky and will snap at anybody, and days…
    in Starving Comment by jls8209 July 2014
  • Mine came back at 11.5 months PP (almost made it to my "goal" of 12 months! Not like I could really control it...) I was still breastfeeding about 5 times most days at that point. My first period was fine, second and third were back to the God awful ones I had pre-pregnancy. We were planning to get going on #2 anyway, but…
  • Crap! At 20 weeks I was already up about 20 lbs, so if it's true I'll be finding the last 20 hard to lose instead of the last 13-15 like last time. :ohwell: I did mention my rapid early weight gain to my midwife, and she said if you have a lower body fat % you tend to gain more quickly in the beginning because your body…
  • I'm 5'9" tall. Baby #1 - Started at 139lbs, but was more "skinny fat" than fit. First tri was rough because of fatigue and hunger. I stopped logging my food because seeing the red number at the bottom of my diary was depressing, and I felt like it was more important to feed myself/baby than pass out from hunger because I…