

  • haha-cute thread. Yes I love AB too. I read that too much soy was not good for women (affects hormones?) so to be on the safe side, I switched to Almond milk. Yummy.
  • I LOVE AA!! It has changed my life for the better. I am so grateful for my sobriety and life. Please feel free to add me. :)
  • Jax67- your not alone Tutujoli- thanks:bigsmile: Rostrum-I am a slacker too Deann -can i come to your gym? Love Military guys if they are young and hot-for research purposed only, of course. Muhahahaha Sraarroz good plan!
  • Wow congrats on losing 15 lbs! That is a huge accomplishment! I have now lost 2.5. I am working with a trainer, going to gym on off days by myself and I started to run on the treadmill which is new for me. :) My dog is also eating better and she has lost 1 oz. :) (She is a chubby chihuahua mix.) LOL You are so right about…
  • Thank you. :)
  • Thank you. I DO find this site uselful. I am AMAZED at how I unconsciously eat when I am bored. Even when I felt a little sad. Interesting. I KNOW this is going to be a powerful medium for change for me; being accountable about my food. :)
  • I like to stand behind a really hot guy and just perv out for 30-60 minutes. It really works. Plus it is REALLY hard to suck in your stomach for the whole time and look cute when your about to go into cardiac arrest, but I am here to report: it can be done! :)