Hermione35 Member


  • sedentary says to me that you sit around at work AND at home...if you are running and doing work around the house (lawn mowing can be some decent exercise depending on how long it takes as long as you are using a push mower...), I'd put lightly active...
  • My husband and I have just started working out, and so we go every day that we can to keep ourselves in the habit. We have missed a few days due to being out of town or being at a family function or our gym being closed. Maybe once we get more into it, we will do a rest day, but for now we go every day.
  • small meals. watch portion sizes. if you go out to eat, look for menu items that are weight watcher/low calorie items. Drink LOTS of water, eat fresh fruits and veggies for snacks. Don't graze. Keep a food diary each day of what you eat - even if you aren't sure of a serving, keep track of the foods themselves. and don't…