sftblmama Member


  • Wow! You look amazing and are such an inspiration. I know all about those plateaus! I have always given in to them, but this time is going to be different. Thank you for such an inspirational message!
  • I am definately going to research this diet. Although it would be awesome to lose a pound every 2 days, it is just not the reality for some people, like me. I actually Gained weight with cutting calories after aninitial 10 pound loss. And, I have over 100 pounds to lose, so yeah it was Very discouraging. I think it would…
  • Wow! You look stunnig and should be so proud of all you have accomplished. This has been very motivational for me since I have so much to lose. Thank you for sharing!
  • It is frustrating, I know. Give yourself 3 to 4 months of good healthy nutrition and exercise and you could lose most if not all of what you gained. That is not at all an unrealistic goal. And, trust me you would be happier in the long run. Don't deprive yourself. Enjoy whatever you want, just measure it and log it and…
  • Totally agree! My husband and I both tried it together. We were totally miserable from lack of nutrition. And, we barely lost what we gained during the "loading" phase. It is a huge scam that is making people starve themselves and think that they are losing real weight. Trust me it is not worth your time and money. Luckily…
  • Wow! What a difference! You look awesome! Keep it up and know that it is people like you that post these stories that keeps me motivated!
  • I am losing just fine and I walk. I also just ate a brownie the other day. And, I am kind of obsessed about this website because it makes me accoutable and offers tons of support. I weigh myself everyday in the morning because if I don't I don't feel accountable for the things I have ate or done. And, I am loving my new…
  • Wow, Gary! You have done an awesome job. You should be so proud of yourself! Very inspiring story!
  • Wow You have done an amazing job! Thanks for sharing your progress. It is very inspiring!
  • Just keep at it and the weight has got to go somewhere. Did you take your measurements? Sometimes when you judge your progress by something other than weight you can confirm that there is progress still being made. I know first hand what you are going through. I am in the same boat. But, I just jogged for a half mile…
  • You look awesome! Congraulations on your progress and keep going. You are doing amazing!
  • Wow! You look awesome! You are an inspiration to me. I am just starting out, but it is def nice to know even though I have a ton to lose that it can be done.Thanks for the motivation!