heish7146 Member


  • This sums it up. I know what I was eating like versus how I eat now. I know that instead of sitting on my butt I am working out 40-60 minutes at least 4 times a week. I too have only seen/felt a difference in my ability to do my cardio. And I know the intensity thing but I have been keeping my heartrate around 160 so that…
  • Digital scale ordered. I'm going to try pre-portioning snacks and suck by weight once it comes. I also started working with a trainer at the YMCA so that's another start.
  • I am not, but have considered it. I sent you a FR
  • I'm on a very low carb, low fat, low calorie diet. I eat 600-1000 calories a day, less than 25g of carbs, less than 35 g of fat. Before anyone gets on their high horse, I'm under a doctor's supervision, I go in for weekly check ups. I also take appetite suppressants before each meal, fiber pills, vitamins, and biweekly b12…
  • The fact that I just ended it Thursday and guess what surprise I woke up to this morning?
  • I really needed this. I started a little over two weeks ago. MFP suggested that I net 1200 cals a day. I lost 8lbs and 9 inches in the first two weeks. I was smart enough to revaluate my intake. 4lbs a week was too much. I bumped it up to 1600 a day, and it's been three days now, and I'm really struggling with it. I'm glad…
  • Amazing job!! And also, thank you for the much needed motivation. :) Keep at it girl!
  • That is awesome! Congrats! :)
  • That's a really good idea. I will have to do some more research on the high calorie healthy food ideas. It's not impossible! I just retrained my mind to starve itself after eating like crap for 24 years, I can retrain it again.
  • I just feel like I seriously messed my head up with this 1,200 calories crap.
  • I am sitting here almost in tears. I have trained my body these last two weeks to basically starve. The idea of adding more calories feels so backwards. I was trying to figure out how to do it, and stay healthy. I was eating a lot of FF foods, and no nuts. I will definitely have to try that. Thank you. Any other advice?…
  • Thank you for the input. I have another rather stupid question. I am so used to eating these 1200 cals that bumping it up to 1580 is going to be a struggle. I figure I will try that and see where it gets me.
  • TDEE=total daily energy expenditure My TDEE is 2444 and My BMR is 1778. Now I know you need to cut 3500 calories to lose one pound of body fat. I still don't know what to do with these numbers. I mean I understand that I burn 2444 daily with normal activity, and I burn 1778 doing nothing (right?). So If I want to lose…
  • Kids lappingnyou is the most defeating feeling in the world, I just recently started running too. It is the most freeing feeling in the world. Great job lady, keep it up!
  • I drink less often that I used to. I've always drank captain and diet. It's full of calories, but since I am limiting myself as it is, I am going to drink what I want. I do eat lighter on days I plan to drink. Go out, and have fun!
  • Just switched from the pill to nuvaring... and well let me tell you. I don't know whether I actually craved anything previously (as I didn't watch what I ate at all), I didn't notice much bloating, discomfort nothing. I don't know whether watching what I eat is doing this, or switching bc pills, but I'm a freaking nut…
  • I started today! I came home from my walk/jog and was like I've been saying I was going to do this for the last week, get on it. I was swearing, moaning, groaning within the first 5 minutes. It literally kicked my butt. I'm sure getting out of bed is going to be rough tomorrow. Hell, going from sitting to standing is hard…
  • ^Exactly. I don't have a body like that, but I have done some intense sessions. By intense, I mean my body is trembling when I am almost finished. Those last two or three reps nearly kill you. You won't want to do it two days in a row. Hell, you won't even want to get out of bed the next day.
  • I want to be comfortable in my own skin! For once, I want attention for being the hotty, rather than the fatty. I want to look the best I can for my wedding (whenever that will be). I want to be able to run, and play with my future kids, and their kids. I also want to set a good example of how my kids should eat. I was…
  • I was shocked to see that you weighed 220 in the after pictures. You look amazing!! Keep up the good work!
  • Ha! I was just thinking that the other day! I keep trying to find the "like" button. I wish there was a notification thingy though. I comment on so many peoples things, and then lose track.
    in MFP>FB Comment by heish7146 August 2012
  • I just made a similar post. I need to lose about 75 pounds to reach my goal.