Bumping up my calories?

I am having an issue here. Mfp put me at 1200the calories +exercise cals. I struggled with it at first, but now I seem to be doing alright. I am losing an average of 4 pounds a week. In 15days I am down 8 pounds and 9 inches. Is this healthy? I'm a big girl (now at 215. Goal weight is 160 for now. I had it set as sedentary loosing 2lbs a week. Now I exercise 3-5 days a week, I bumped itiy up toa lightly active, and down to 1.5lbs a week. This increased my calorie goal to 1580.

Here's the thing. I feel guilty for doing this. Like I am cheating? Then that scares me, because I feel like this could very well turn into an eating disorder. Basically, I need advice. How do I know what is right?


  • petiteLady89
    petiteLady89 Posts: 198 Member
    I think bumping up your calories is a good idea. You want to lose weight slowly. My calorie goal is 1500 and I am 108lbs. I am losing weight and am sedentary besides my exercise. You should figure out your TDEE and BMR and start there. I used this site to figure out my numbers. http://www.fat2fitradio.com/tools/. You need food to fuel your body! You will probably still lose weight even eating at your TDEE.
  • Umm i have a question. What does TDEE mean? I've seen it several times here but don't know what it stands for. lol
  • heish7146
    heish7146 Posts: 30 Member
    TDEE=total daily energy expenditure

    My TDEE is 2444 and My BMR is 1778. Now I know you need to cut 3500 calories to lose one pound of body fat. I still don't know what to do with these numbers. I mean I understand that I burn 2444 daily with normal activity, and I burn 1778 doing nothing (right?). So If I want to lose 1.5lbs a week I need to cut 5250 weekly/ 7days = 750 calories a day so then I take 2444-750= I should be eating just under 1700 calories a day?
  • ritasice21
    ritasice21 Posts: 200 Member
    I would say keep it bumped up. It will be easier to stick with it. I personally looked up the maintenance calories for my goal weight without activity and then minus 100. That is what I eat, and do not eat back my exercise calories. It takes me around my BMR and now it is just a lifestyle change, as I can just eat this way forever and reteach myself portions and recipes etc.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    1 or 2 pounds per week is generally accepted as safe, so you're doing the right thing to set it with a lower loss rate / higher activity.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    TDEE=total daily energy expenditure

    My TDEE is 2444 and My BMR is 1778. Now I know you need to cut 3500 calories to lose one pound of body fat. I still don't know what to do with these numbers. I mean I understand that I burn 2444 daily with normal activity, and I burn 1778 doing nothing (right?). So If I want to lose 1.5lbs a week I need to cut 5250 weekly/ 7days = 750 calories a day so then I take 2444-750= I should be eating just under 1700 calories a day?
    Pretty close. The BMR is your basic body functions and is a medical definition, sitting around would be about 20% higher than that. Your conclusion and math is correct.

    Some favour lower deficits - like 20% - which would put you a bit higher in calories but given where you are I would run with the above for now.
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    Since I don't count calories, I can't really answer your question but I feel I should give you my thoughts. (Doesn't everyone?) Anyway, 1200 calories is not enough for anyone. Yes, you can lose weight on it. And will. But the weight will be much-needed, much-loved muscle. You will keep the fat because the body preserves fat when it feels it is going to starve.

    Yes, you're losing what I would consider too much weight too fast. One or two pounds a week is plenty. Of course, what you're losing is water and muscle and no doubt you're losing inches because of that. But if you had a way to measure body fat, I expect it would be up there.

    Add more calories. And take guilt out of the equation. Just because a dumb calculator gave you x number of calories does not mean you own that calculator anything. Frankly, this website gives everyone right around 1200 calories. You need more than that even if you're in a coma.
  • GnochhiGnomes
    GnochhiGnomes Posts: 348 Member
    4lbs a week sounds like a lot though in the first few weeks that's normal. I would keep on doing what your doing for a couple more weeks and if it doesn't stabilise to around 2lbs per week then you could up your calorie goal.
  • heish7146
    heish7146 Posts: 30 Member
    Thank you for the input. I have another rather stupid question. I am so used to eating these 1200 cals that bumping it up to 1580 is going to be a struggle. I figure I will try that and see where it gets me.
  • ritasice21
    ritasice21 Posts: 200 Member
    When I bumped mine up I added some nuts and higher fat dairy. Used to use ff now use 1 and 2 %. Healthier also cause these are real foods, not over processed to make them fat free.
  • heish7146
    heish7146 Posts: 30 Member
    I am sitting here almost in tears. I have trained my body these last two weeks to basically starve. The idea of adding more calories feels so backwards. I was trying to figure out how to do it, and stay healthy. I was eating a lot of FF foods, and no nuts. I will definitely have to try that. Thank you. Any other advice? 480 extra calories is like two of the meals I've been eating. And I need to exercise too. It seems so damn impossible.
  • I think bumping up your calories is a good idea. You want to lose weight slowly. My calorie goal is 1500 and I am 108lbs. I am losing weight and am sedentary besides my exercise. You should figure out your TDEE and BMR and start there. I used this site to figure out my numbers. http://www.fat2fitradio.com/tools/. You need food to fuel your body! You will probably still lose weight even eating at your TDEE.

    At 108 pounds just wondering why you'd be losing weight.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Awe! Don't cry! If you really want to add exercise, you're going to need more calories for it to be effective. Just stay focused on eating healthy, keep learning about food and you'll be fine :)
  • heish7146
    heish7146 Posts: 30 Member
    I just feel like I seriously messed my head up with this 1,200 calories crap.
  • I am sitting here almost in tears. I have trained my body these last two weeks to basically starve. The idea of adding more calories feels so backwards. I was trying to figure out how to do it, and stay healthy. I was eating a lot of FF foods, and no nuts. I will definitely have to try that. Thank you. Any other advice? 480 extra calories is like two of the meals I've been eating. And I need to exercise too. It seems so damn impossible.

    It's not impossible. Just no more fat free stuff and 1 snack f 1oz almonds will give you an extra 300 calories at least. Add an egg or tbsp of olive oil to your day and you're basically there. Healthily.
  • I am sitting here almost in tears. I have trained my body these last two weeks to basically starve. The idea of adding more calories feels so backwards. I was trying to figure out how to do it, and stay healthy. I was eating a lot of FF foods, and no nuts. I will definitely have to try that. Thank you. Any other advice? 480 extra calories is like two of the meals I've been eating. And I need to exercise too. It seems so damn impossible.

    Eat every 2 hours. Set a timer on your phone/watch/whatever and when it goes off make an effort to eat something and/or drink some water, juice, or milk. This has worked miracles for me. Although I do get joked at from time to time because basically that's constantly eating. :P
  • heish7146
    heish7146 Posts: 30 Member
    That's a really good idea. I will have to do some more research on the high calorie healthy food ideas. It's not impossible! I just retrained my mind to starve itself after eating like crap for 24 years, I can retrain it again.