nataliaknight Member


  • I agree. Those that sneezles replied with are great workouts for your butt and thighs! Other exercises you can try are Hip Extensions and One-Legged Deadlifts. Just pop them into Google to learn how to do them. :] If you're looking for some variety or workout videos specifically for those areas, try The Butt Bible (by…
  • @StrengthIsBeautif: Omg! Those things are awesome. I actually saw them at Wal-Mart today. Hoping to pick up one soon and test it out. :]
  • Thanks for all the recommendations! :] @purplepollypops: We get a lot of double yolkers! It's always such an awesome surprise when you crack an egg and find more than one yolk. :] I have two or three that are massive eggs (like 3x - 4x bigger than a normal one!) that I haven't cracked yet. I searched on YouTube about eggs…
  • This looks lovely! I have a few home grown tomatoes that I've been wanting to use. Maybe I'll try this for lunch tomorrow. Thank you for sharing!