Looking for recipes involving eggs

nataliaknight Posts: 6 Member
edited October 3 in Recipes
Hi guys. I have six chickens and since it's still kind of warm in my state and they're getting plenty of greens and sunshine, they're still laying eggs pretty regularly. I'm averaging about five to six eggs A DAY from them. That's a dozen eggs every two days! My fridge is constantly full of eggs and I'm honestly getting tired of making egg whites in the variations that I do (just plain, + low fat cheddar cheese, + chives, etc). Since my eggs are ALWAYS fresh, they're almost impossible to peel when I boil them (cracking the shell in little pieces, using running water, etc doesn't help at all), so boiling is out. I can only boil them and get the shells off when they're about a month old.

So I'm looking for some recipes that involve eggs. The more eggs the better. Any type of recipe is fine. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, etc. I'm also interested in how you take your eggs, what variations do you use?


  • I'm making egg/omelette muffins tonight as a light dinner and will probably keep 1 or 2 for brekky tomorrow :)
    It's in my diary if you want to have a look. It would be a cute savory snack to make If you had something on/friends were coming round etc :)
  • purplepollypops
    purplepollypops Posts: 323 Member
    I have just got 6 chickens myself and they are just starting to lay! We haven't had too many at the moment but a few of them that we've had have been double yolkers!
    I know you said you can't boil them while they are fresh but have you thought about pickling them?
    I love a pickled egg with a salad or fish and chips :happy:
    Before we had the chickens and I used to buy eggs if I didn't use them all up before the sell by date (or sometimes a few days after) then I would hard boil them and then put them in a jar of pickling vinegar with a bit of dried chilli flakes and then leave them for a few weeks before eating them. They taste delicious! I always have a jar of them in the fridge!

    By the way, I was told to never store raw eggs in the fridge. I keep mine in a pottery chicken on my kitchen windowsill :happy:
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    Put pretty much anything you like in a giant-cupcake tin and use egg/egg whites as the binder and bake.

    Savory/sweet/combo...doesn't matter. Just dice stuff and toss it in.

    I'm thinking, like, potatoes, ham, cheese.

    Bread, cinnamon, brown sugar, apples.

    Ground beef, taco seasoning, cheese, peppers.

    Chicken, apples, cheddar and herbs. Yes, chicken and apples. Trust me. :)
  • Have you ever tried adding a teaspoon of cornstarch to the water when hard boiling? Alot of people swear by that for easy peeling. I tried it (store bought eggs) and it worked really well.
  • nrtenagrl
    nrtenagrl Posts: 138 Member
    ok.,. I'm a mexicana here.. so here goes :

    beans with eggs.. cook the eggs almost all the way through then add the homemade mashed up beans. This taste yummy even cold!
    Eggs with a nice hot salsa. (homemade of course :)
    eggs with ham, onion, tomato, jalapenos
    fried sunny side up eggs on a tostada
    eggs with shredded beef

    egg/potato salad

    eggs with weenies :)
    eggs with cut up tortillas

    Thats it. I can't think of more since its almost midnight. good luck
  • nataliaknight
    nataliaknight Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for all the recommendations! :]

    @purplepollypops: We get a lot of double yolkers! It's always such an awesome surprise when you crack an egg and find more than one yolk. :] I have two or three that are massive eggs (like 3x - 4x bigger than a normal one!) that I haven't cracked yet. I searched on YouTube about eggs like the size I have and a lot of the ones on there contain a whole nother egg inside of them with a yolk. :o I kind of want to get the video camera handy for cracking those. lol.
    I haven't really given much thought about pickling them. I haven't ever had a pickled egg and I think my mom is the only one in my family that likes them. I've read that they're good treats to give your chickens, though (an extra boost of protein is needed sometimes).
    Actually, from all the books I've read about raising chickens most say that fresh eggs last about three weeks on the counter and months in the fridge. Did you know that most of the 'fresh' eggs that are advertised at the supermarket are usually a month or MORE old? Yeah. Eggs last quite a while. I've also read to refrigerate them after they've been washed (washing them removes the outer membrane that protects the egg from absorbing bacteria). I only wash mine when they're really poopy, typically just scratch the stuck bedding on them with my thumbnail. I highly recommend picking up some chicken related books at your local library or joining an online chicken forum or two (Like backyardchickens, just google it). There's a wealth of information out there. :]

    @McKayMachina: I'm really interested in your suggestion involving chickens and apples! I've never considered that combination before. I'll have to try that one out. :D

    @StrengthIsBeautiful: I've never tried that or heard of that. Hm. Maybe I'll try that next time. My grandpa has been hinting that he's out of deviled eggs (I cook a batch about twice a month).

    @nrtenagrl: Ooo thank you for your suggestions! I haven't tried eggs with salsa before. My younger brother always has medium to hot salsa in the house because he loves adding it to everything he eats. I'll have to try that one! I haven't tried eggs with weenies either. My grandpa likes that sort of thing and swears it's good, so maybe I should try it too.
  • I'm making egg/omelette muffins tonight as a light dinner and will probably keep 1 or 2 for brekky tomorrow :)
    It's in my diary if you want to have a look. It would be a cute savory snack to make If you had something on/friends were coming round etc :)

    tell me more about these egg/omelette muffins. i can't see your diary and i'm intrigued!!
  • I thought of you when going through the Sunday Ads in the paper-


    The sell these things called "Eggies" - little containers that you pour the cracked egg into, and boil until firm. Who knew?
  • nataliaknight
    nataliaknight Posts: 6 Member
    @StrengthIsBeautif: Omg! Those things are awesome. I actually saw them at Wal-Mart today. Hoping to pick up one soon and test it out. :]
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    I love scrambled eggs with salsa...yumm...

    How about making stuff like french toast every now and then?

    Or setting some aside to hard boil once they're a bit older?

    Otherwise here are some recipe...

    Or you can make things that just use a lot of eggs? Like crepes? They use a fair amount of eggs and they're great for everything...fill them with fruit for a snack, or put some meat and cheese in them for a sandwich like thing...or make a crepe cake. lol
  • Ruby11222
    Ruby11222 Posts: 114
  • mandasimba
    mandasimba Posts: 782 Member
    I like egg bake... which is really just a big ol family sized omlet in a pan :p Eggs, a bit of milk (I use about 1/2 cup per 9 eggs), add whatever ingrediants your heart desires... something you might put in an omlet, like vegies, meats... pour into baking dish (size depends on how big you are making it) and bake at 350 for about 45 minutes or until eggs are cooked through.

    Depending on the vegi, it helps to bake them seperatly a little beforehand to dry them out a bit to avoid a collection of wateryness at the bottom of the eggbake when it is done.
  • sheepysaccount
    sheepysaccount Posts: 608 Member
    CALORIES: 265 per (really big) serving

    3 large eggs
    1 tomato
    1/2 of a cheese you like
    red paprika powder
    2 teaspoon teriyaki or soy sauce

    crack the eggs and mix them with the spices
    add the cheese
    cut the tomato in small cubes

    throw them in a pan and stir until they are sort of dry
    put on a plate

    add the teriyaki sauce (i really recommend teriyaki instead of soy) in little drops over the eggs.

  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    1. Spanish tortilla: http://www.finecooking.com/articles/how-to/spanish-tortilla.aspx
    2. egg curry: http://indianfood.about.com/od/chickendishes/r/eggcurry.htm (sounds crazy, but it is yummy!)
    3. spaghetti carbonara (you can make it healthier by using reduced fat bacon or even canadian bacon and removing most of the fat once the bacon is rendered. Replace the cream with a splash of 2% milk and use pecorino romano cheese instead of parmesan. Also use whole wheat pasta and bulk it up with some peas, and it is a totally reasonable dinner)
    4. slow scrambled eggs: http://dinersjournal.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/06/22/soft-scrambled-eggs-infused-with-herbs/ (i take around 15 minutes for mine)

    Also have you ever had korean bibimbap? It is a rice bowl basically, the crowning element is a fried (or raw) egg on top that makes a yummy sauce. So the takeaway, try to top your next bowl of rice or stir-fry with a fried egg. It turns into a cool sauce with the residual heat of the food.
  • sheilarosella
    sheilarosella Posts: 101 Member
    oxygen magazine has 12 egg recipes in thier issue this month if you want to check that out
  • Though it's already been said a couple of times here, I would suggest a frittata. What it basically is, is a large omelette in a pan. What you do is take anywhere from 6 - 8 eggs (even more, if you'd like) and beat them - add a bit of milk if you'd like. While this is going, I usually like to cook some veggies in a pan on the stove. Mushrooms, zucchini, onions, etc. Then add the cooked veggies to your beaten eggs. At that point I like to add a bit of spinach sometimes. Then take an 8"x8" pan and pour the entire mixture in, and shove it in the oven for 30 - 40 minutes (basically until cooked with slight golden brown edges) at 400 degrees. One 4"x4" square is usually only around 200 - 250 calories, depending on what you add, and 15 grams of protein. There's a whole lot you can add for more flavour, though - bacon, ham, low fat cheese, etc. I've seen recipes where they use pasta and sun dried tomatoes, and one with pesto. Experiment with it!

    Best of luck with finding some awesome egg dishes. I think that's so neat that you have chickens. (:
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