

  • Women's One a Day Multivitamin. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
  • Thanks for the tips! Awesome progress, you look great!!!!
  • Cut out processed sweets and foods as much as possible, increase fruits and veggies, take group fitness classes at a gym if you have membership. I feel more motivated in a group setting! My faves are Spin/cycling and kickboxing. If you can afford it get a personal trainer. : ) Its always hard to get into the groove of it…
  • I'm 5'7, 30 yrs old and no kids. Currently 124 lbs, and started off at 129 lbs in June. My calorie intake goal is 1200, which is a challenge! I recommend cardio, cardio cardio such as cycling and kickboxing classes, or the Les Mills classes (if you have gym membership) and using the cybex and elliptical machines. Make sure…
  • WhoNU nutrition rich cookies..... my weakness and not willing to give cookies up lol. 3 cookies=160 calories. Not bad for a sweet tooth splurge! http://www.whonucookies.com/Nutrition.aspx
  • way to go!!!!