

  • Keep it up and you'll be at your goal in no time!
    in FINALLY! Comment by Schrodi July 2011
  • Welcome! you can add me if you like, I log on here everyday since I joined.
    in newbie Comment by Schrodi July 2011
  • I also have trouble with my metabolism, the key (according to my husband) is to eat very small meals throughout the day. So if you're working with 1200calories, break it into 5 or even 6 small meals. I've only been doing this for a few days myself and have yet to see it work lol
  • Welcome, I am also new here. Confidence is one of the reasons I am here as well. Feel free to add me :)
  • I've never been a fan of coffee, but I can't get away from my 3 cups of tea throughout the day. I did end up switching to decaffeinated tea and using 0 calorie sugar which has been making a huge difference for me so far. I don't think coffee itself is bad but too much of anything can be bad, it's up to you to gauge what…
  • I'm 5'2" and 23 years old. My goal is 125lbs atm and I'm not budging on that. I used to weigh 130lbs a few years ago and I still felt over weight then. I'm going to lose this weight and get to 125. I read in a few places that BMI is not a good gauge for what is healthy weight so it really is just what you would feel…
  • Wow this is a great idea! Thank you.
  • I try to weigh in once a week at least. If I do it everyday I find myself discouraged by the small increments of change but weekly works out better for me.
  • I like this suggestion. A non-scale fitness goal is a great way to motivate yourself that you won't be likely to beat yourself up over if you don't achieve it. Even if it's something small, congratulate yourself when you succeed and keep trying! I've also been having a hard time, I'm sure we all go through this at some…
  • Getting motivated for me has been hard and personally I'm tired of beating myself up every time I look in the mirror. I've been trying to get the ball rolling by making good decisions each day when it comes to food and by the end of the day, I feel so proud of myself that I actually want to work out. It's only been about…