Metabolism is way too slow...

bulldog4life Posts: 8
edited September 29 in Health and Weight Loss
So, my real problem is that my metabolism is way too slow.Atleast that is what "they" say I am 32, been a "healthy"boy my whole life, but I really don't eat a lot. I mean I can put down some food, but on a regular day I don't eat that much and am semi active. Since I have been tracking my food and actually seeing my calorie intake, its not odd for me to only get like 1400-1600 calories in a day and thats kinda pushing it....But I still seem to keep the belly. It dont make sence. I always thought if you eat less calories than you burn you would loose weight. Now I have to believe I have to eat "more" food to loose more weight. This is nuts. Im gonna need some help with this.....


  • cieraangel
    cieraangel Posts: 88 Member
    Your body is probably in starvation mode and is trying to hold on to everything you eat.
  • mstcass
    mstcass Posts: 63 Member
    Have you tried taking vitamins? That may help. Or, exercising early in the morning while eating smaller meals. Whatever you decide, don't give up! Something will eventually change.
  • I don't really know alot about vitamins. Would you reccomend a certian brand or type?
  • MsLongWalker
    MsLongWalker Posts: 4 Member
    Whatever you change, you need to stick with it long enough to give your body a chance to shift into gear. Whether it's eating more to see if you're in "starvation" mode, adding in extra strength training (to build muscle, which increases your metabolism) or whether it's eating at different times of the day, I would choose one factor to change and give it a week (or ten days, two weeks, whatever) to see if that one change has helped. If you change too many things at once, you'll have a hard time knowing exactly what made the difference.
  • Schrodi
    Schrodi Posts: 12
    I also have trouble with my metabolism, the key (according to my husband) is to eat very small meals throughout the day.
    So if you're working with 1200calories, break it into 5 or even 6 small meals. I've only been doing this for a few days myself and have yet to see it work lol
  • Schrodi
    Schrodi Posts: 12
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    First, have you ever been checked by a doctor to make sure you don't have a thyroid condition or anything that affects your metabolism? Make sure there's not a medical reason you're struggling to lose.

    Otherwise, it is true there's an amount of calories your body needs to maintain a healthy weight. Eating too much or too little has a negative effect on maintaining that healthy weight.

    So, yes, if you've been eating too little for a long time, your metabolism has slowed down to account for it.

    The good news can get it back up to normal levels so you're burning calories and losing weight. You'll have to figure out what that "sweet spot" is.

    Lots of people here have more experience than me on this, and can help guide you on figuring out what works for you.

    Good luck.
  • zonah
    zonah Posts: 216 Member
    I also have trouble with my metabolism, the key (according to my husband) is to eat very small meals throughout the day.
    So if you're working with 1200calories, break it into 5 or even 6 small meals. I've only been doing this for a few days myself and have yet to see it work lol

    I really agree with this my hubby used to play college level football and that is what he did and he said it really works. He had something to eat every two to three hours. Also I would try to eat more protien and less simple carbs. I take Braags Apple Cider Vinigar a tblsp 2x daily in 2 cups of water and that seems to really get things moving through you. Plus I find it gives me an energy boost.

    Also I was watching a documentary about these women who where trying to loose weight. They had this special water concotion they had to drink it tracked what they ate. What they ate and what they wrote down where quite a bit different. I know if I'm not really careful I graze and forget to add what I ate. Good luck
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