You're doing great!! Congrats! :D
Congratulations!! :D
Heyy, I'm 21 and started at 169 and am now at goal's at 146, best of luck!!
I'd love to think it is entirely correct! As with most methods to losing weight (MFP being the best by far :wink: ), projected weight loss is generally a prediction. With this, is takes on board your body weight, your calorie intake and what you're expected to weigh, It would be great if somebody does follow this up! Like…
I have the same sort of problem! I weigh numerous times a day, often 4x plus. I recognise it's a bit of a problem and rather strange for a guy, but nonetheless present. Aswell as trying to lose weight i'm also trying to tone up, so i regularly weigh after exercise out of interest. I'd love to reduce this amount but can't…
Wow! Well done guys! This is incredible :D congrats!