CALake Member


  • Generally I dismiss anything that completely rules something out.
  • Insanity and running are both great- but you should really add in strength training! I agree that there isn't enough cardio in P90X (what there is isn't really that tough)- I skipped kenpo, yoga & cardio X and ran on those days instead. You'll find your runs improve when you have more muscle.
  • I'd join you but it says it will cancel my route I'm currently working on :/
  • I did both at the same time last year. I started with classic and then switched to the "doubles" after the first month. I swapped out the Kenpo and Cardio X for running. Since several days were "doubles," I was running and lifting on the same days. But never doing 2 cardio sessions like running & plyo on the same day. It's…
  • Check out the 5x5 women's group on here. Someone sifted through all of Mendi's rambling from the .pdf and put the program into one succinct post.
  • I use Speedo Pace Club (free), or google search 50 swim workouts for a huge collection of plans that range from 1000-4500 yards.
  • If you're looking to tone I'd try a program like Insanity or TapouT XT that has strength moves built in to the cardio.
  • Start towards the middle or back of the pack to start. You'll be out of the way of the fast crew at the front and after the start you'll be spread out enough to pass/be passed without problem.
  • I didn't follow the diet plan- and I know I would have had even better results if I had. Even without following the diet (but eating healthier) I had great results.
    in P90X Comment by CALake April 2013
  • Just finished my second round of P90X and starting Tapout tomorrow. Looking forward to something new!
  • Agree. I added pull-ups & push-ups to the routine. Loved 5x5- felt badass being the only girl in the gym lifting in the "boys" area. I'd still be doing it if I could just get into the gym 3x a week instead of working out at home!
  • I finished it- but felt like I lost muscle that I had gained doing P90X before. I liked Asylum more because it incorporated weight training. But it really depends on your body and what you're looking for and capable of. Everyone has different results.
  • Heading out for an 8-mile this afternoon. Looking to put on miles until I'm ready for my first 1/2 this summer!
  • I only get slack from my mother. She says "you're going to hurt yourself!" :)
  • The best advice I use is from someone who told me "even if you don't want to work out, just tell yourself you'll only go for 10 minutes." 10 minutes always turns into a full workout- it's just about convincing myself to get started.
  • If the three days a week aren't feeling challenging enough, I'd add distance to your workouts, not additional days. But that's just me. You definitely want to keep rest days to let your body recover- especially if you're a new runner.
  • I'm one of the few people who didn't love it. I did it after completing P90X and I felt like I lost muscle because the body strength exercises just weren't enough any more. I did not lose any weight. I did feel stronger, and did better in the fit tests every 2 weeks, but it's kind of hard not to see results. When you do a…
  • I hate it when one of the women vying for 100 mile swim club uses fins. That's just cheating.
  • I've also gotten a few suits from the TYR site. They used to have a grab bag option. You picked your size, and for $20 or so they sent you a suit. You couldn't pick the color or pattern, but it was still a good deal for a practice suit.
  • I disagree on Insanity. You're already doing cardio with running, I don't see why you'd add more. I'd do the strength routines from P90X but skip plyo & kenpo. During the summer I log long miles on off days, and 3-4 miles on days I do p90x.
  • I'm following the "endurance" workouts right now.
  • I shop a lot of consignment and always look under the tags for the year for Gap/ON/Banana REpublic. The change in sizes seems to be around 2005-06 somewhere. If the pants are newer than that, I'm a 6. Older, an 8 (or even 10).
  • There's a schedule to follow. The two months are different levels- and longer workouts.
  • I use the workouts off Speedo Pace Club to mix it up and keep it different each workout. I get lazy when I go in there with no plan.
  • Lol, we have one of those. She showers with the curtain wide open, and then walks around for the next 45 minutes with the towel in her hair and nothing else. I think it's some kind of exhibitionist thing.
  • I love the ON sports bras. I buy a size smaller than I would normally wear and they keep everything in place :) You can't beat the price!
  • It drives me nuts at my gym that the trainers encourage their people to do step ups... on the benches. Seriously, I'm about to lie down where you're putting your dirty feet right now.
  • Check out Craigslist or consignment stores. They're not cheap to buy but they're definitely easier to be active with!
  • I'd wait until day of and do a last minute registration if the conditions allow. I've run in a New Year's Eve Day race for the past two years. First year was awesome. Cold, but clear roads. This year there was a couple inches of snow on the ground and it was so slippery. People were falling all over the place, and I…
  • Insanity is great for cardio, but if you want to focus on strength you're better using your gym or something like P90X. You've made great progress with diet and cardio, but you'll love what serious strength training will do for you.