

  • Try "Boots #7" from Target. I was talking with a woman who saw it on "Dr. Oz" and then used it on only one side of her neck to see if it really worked. There was a definite difference--but not so much that she looked lopsided. :-)
  • And now my two cents--I started MFP and it was a HUGE help. I reached my goal, and am happy about that. And personally, I know that I need to continue to log in my meals or I'll be where I started in a heartbeat (unfortunately). Thank goodness for this support group. And for me, it's a good thing that I have to think about…
  • I had the same experience, went a few weeks without losing, then ate more calories one day (good ones, though) and that seemed to "jump start" things back up again. I also think that the kind of exercise has alot to do with it. There's nothing wrong with gardening or walking or things like that, but an actual WORK OUT a…