

  • Congrats and PLEASE don't obsess over 0.5lb - that and much more can easily be accounted for by water, waste or food in your system!
  • Ditto. Sometimes I wake up hungry through the night and so I'll eat then. I definitely believe in listening to your body and stopping when you're full.
  • Sorry, I sort of think picky eaters need to grow up. There is a huge and vast array of fantastic, nutritious, interesting - not to mention, delicious food from all over the world out there! We're lucky enough to have access to every kind of food imaginable here in the West. To limit yourself to just a handful of things…
  • Flippin' heck! Wow! You look fantastic! And I absolutely agree with your 'truths'. It's all about portion control and moving around more. I see so many people on here agonising over the fact that they ate a cupcake or worried about how they'll cope at a buffet next week. I just think, "go and enjoy yourself, eat what you…