

  • You look fine to me! But how about recumbent cycling. Tones up the abs and glutes along with the legs.
  • Not constantly, but I am so glad I can feel my hip bones again.
  • I recently plateaued as well. I think some bodies like to "rest" at a certain weight and then start to lose again? Mine certainly does. Keep going and you will begin to lose again. Simplify the diet. Eat whole grains and chew well. Give it a try. Cheers!
  • Hello. Know how you feel. Think of it as a fresh start. Don't "programme" yourself to fail. Things that work for me are, Fruit for breakfast, Stay away from refined grain products,fast foods,whole pizzas,most breads. Read labels. The best thing is to eat simply, then you are in control. This is my third try at weight loss.…
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