

  • I followed a 99% raw food diet (used some dried spices and soy sauce, so I can't truly say 100%) for about 6 months. That would be an extreme form of clean eating. I have never felt better. I was full of energy, joy, peace. I was far more social than usual and always wanted to be doing something. I don't think I bothered…
  • Replace one of your exercises with something completely different for a few weeks. Do more strength training. The spinning class is a great suggestion. What can also help break a plateau is upping your calories for a few days and then dropping them back down. Try calorie cycling for a few weeks. Most importantly, keep…
  • If you google "calorie cycling" you will find tons of information on the subject. You can even find a calculator that will tell you what number of calories to eat on the various days based upon your stats and goals. I stick to calorie cycling to maintain my weight, since I eat out a few times a week and on those days tend…
  • Thanks to both of you, I'll keep everyone you've said in mind. Abbyko, I'm sorry you were not able to taper the Hoodia slowly and avoid the rebound. That's life is right!
    in Hoodia? Comment by HealthyJoJo July 2011
  • Thanks to both of you!
  • That made me laugh - sounds like my father a few years ago. I have been buying various things online for many years, and seeing as I'm not a complete idiot and do my research, nothing less than stellar has ever come of it ;) I agree people have to be careful buying anything they may ingest, especially, off the internet,…
    in Hoodia? Comment by HealthyJoJo July 2011
  • I definitely see a difference! Keep it up, you're so on the right track!!
  • Your body is probably just so accustomed to receiving a pitiful volume of water that it has trouble taking in the amount you should be drinking. Try increasing your water intake slowly over the course of a week. Sip water throughout the day - be sure to have a filled water bottle on you at ALL times. Avoid dehydrating…
  • It was most likely water weight. When your muscles get a work out you tend to retain water for a few days. Doubly true if you don't drink enough water to replenish all that was lost. Quitting won't get you anywhere unless you're trying to be progressively more miserable. Weight loss takes a long time. You put your body…
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