
Hey everyone! So I've done a lot of research and understand that much of the hoodia on the market is fake or ineffective. I'm looking to buy some off Ebay to give it a shot but am not sure which brands are considered to be "the real thing". Can anyone help me out? Even if you have used a particular brand and found it worked very well, I would love to know. Thanks in advance :)


  • gandydancer
    gandydancer Posts: 171 Member
    Wow, would never buy anything on internet, I have heard such horror stories...I have tried several different types of Hoodia and a big zero!!! I was told the amount you would need wouldever fit in a pill...wish there was something out there...but Hoodia isn't it.
  • HealthyJoJo
    That made me laugh - sounds like my father a few years ago. I have been buying various things online for many years, and seeing as I'm not a complete idiot and do my research, nothing less than stellar has ever come of it ;) I agree people have to be careful buying anything they may ingest, especially, off the internet, but that's what Darwin's natural selection is for.

    Kidding. A little.

    I have read both sides of the argument as well as done my own research on the cactus and the cultural uses of it. Seems legit to me, so I'm looking to give it a try. All I'm hoping for is to see if anyone here has tried a brand personally and found it to work, to add to my research.
  • abbyko
    abbyko Posts: 108
    I took Hoodia a couple of years ago. I'm sorry I can't remember the brand but it was a reputable company that also sells a lot of their own brand of supplements. It worked like a hot damn! I lost over 50 lbs in about 7-8 months, might have been longer. It drastically decreased my appetite. It was amazing. The only unfortunate things were the cost and I stopped taking them because I was experience weird abdominal pains and wanted to eliminate all possible sources (turns out it wasn't the hoodia). But then my appetite slowly returned to normal and I ended up gaining back all the weight over a couple of years. I think if I'd been able to slowly decrease my dosage it would have all gone much better. But that's life!

    Be very careful where you buy it from since it's much more popular now and the plant can't even grow as fast as it's being "harvested".
  • catecn
    catecn Posts: 84
    it has to be 100% hoodia. if there is anything else, its not the real thing. however, most of the hoodias that are on the market also contain caffine, giving you that extra energy which is often why they seem to work a bit. make sure it doesnt say hoodia extract! read the label. most pills contain about 100mg, but everything ive read sayd that you need about 1000mg 3 times a day to feel a real difference.
  • HealthyJoJo
    Thanks to both of you, I'll keep everyone you've said in mind. Abbyko, I'm sorry you were not able to taper the Hoodia slowly and avoid the rebound. That's life is right!