
  • Try sticking to a structured meal schedule and menu, and limit the amount of "snack food" available around your house. The harder it is to find the junk food or extra helpings on those high stress days, the easier it is to pass them up. Exercise is a great way to burn off some stress as opposed to eating. And remember,…
  • It depends how far over you're going. Calories and macros are more important than sugar, but sugar can eventually throw off your insulin levels, which will mess with your metabolism. You may want to change your protein powder or start mixing it with water instead of milk, as well. Brands like Musclemilk tend to have an…
  • Yes, you can substitute most of the P90X cardio exercises for one another. Try to stick with the yoga, too, though, it will help you stretch out a bit. If the pain doesn't go away soon though, you may have to just rest and let yourself heal, and restart the cycle when you're better.
  • Creatine won't "make it harder" to lose weight. If you're trying a weight lifting routine, even a moderate or bodyweight-only routine, it can help your muscles recover more quickly and allow you to workout more effectively (ie more reps or more weight). It WILL force more water into your muscles, which may cause you to…