Kenpo X aggravates groin injury. Help?

I pulled my groin in November of last year when I slipped in the mud while running. I didn't run for 6 weeks and it seemed to be okay. Lately with the Kenpo X workout with all the pivots and kicks, I've aggravated it again and it brings me to tears it hurts so much. I'm on week 4 of phase 1 and I'm supposed to do Kenpo X three times this week, which ain't goin' to happen. Should I substitute Cardio X instead? Even some of the Yoga moves are causing me pain, but it seems to be fine the rest of the day. Sigh...


  • PNWriter
    PNWriter Posts: 223 Member
    There are sooo many good exercise choices out there. Listen to your body. If an injury gets aggravated, don't do that exercise! Kind of like that old joke:

    Patient: "Doc, it hurts when I move my arm in a circle. What can I do to make it stop hurting?"
    Doctor: "Don't move it in a circle."
  • TankPKDW
    TankPKDW Posts: 4
    Yes, you can substitute most of the P90X cardio exercises for one another. Try to stick with the yoga, too, though, it will help you stretch out a bit. If the pain doesn't go away soon though, you may have to just rest and let yourself heal, and restart the cycle when you're better.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    There is a bit of Kenpo in Cardio X too? How about Core Synergistics? Or even do some other cardio from some other program?

    Absolutely no point aggravating your injury hun :flowerforyou:
  • CodyD18
    CodyD18 Posts: 161 Member
    There is the Cardio X option. It's fine to modify the program. I don't even go by the 90 days. I mix p90x and insanity.