Hello, Welcome to the site. There are a lot of wonderful people here who are supportive and willing to hand out advices on how to keep yourself on track. The main reason I joined was because my weight now is the heaviest I have ever been and decided that enough is enough. When I started logging out my food entries , I was…
I have been off the pill for over a year now. I had to stop using BC pills because I had really bad epigastric pain and horrible mood swings. The cramps are definitely worse and the bleeding heavier compared to when I was on the pill but it's not that bad really, for me at least.
Welcome! I just joined about two days ago and am amazed at the outpouring of support from strangers. It's uber cool. Good Luck and we can do this. Created by - Free Calorie Counter
Wow, I am so glad I joined this site. As I was reading your comments, all of your lovely words put a smile on my face and made me more determined to lose the unwanted pounds. Thank you all.
Hi! I'm new here. I got married about two years ago and with that newly wedded bliss, I gained a lot of pounds. I'm trying really hard to lose all the excess weight but had a frustrating moment when an old co-worker poked fun of me and my weight. On the outside I was laughing with them but on the inside I wanted to crawl…