trying to get on track...

curlhair Posts: 68
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
hey everyone - i joined this site because an old friend of mine joined and seems to be doing really well.

i graduated from college last may and came home and weighed myself - 275. the highest i've ever, ever, ever been. i've always been a big girl - i'm 5'11" and am just structured to be large. but in high school and the beginning of college i lost weight and weighed around 180. i was so happy to be there! i felt really good about myself. but i let myself go and now here i am again...

joined a gym and got down to 239, but let myself go AGAIN and am now up to 256. i really need to get back on track, and i know the only way to do it is to eat healthy and exercise more. it's just hard to get motivated. i live with my parents and they keep junk in the house and it's really frustrating. my parents are both overweight and it's really tempting to see all the good food around the house! my mom is a southern belle and likes comfort food (fried, cheesy, you name it!).

i just joined to keep track of everything. i eat when i'm stressed or emotional and i don't even realize i'm doing it half the time. i figured if i kept track of what i was eating it would force myself to think before i eat between meals.

:) nice to meet you all!


  • hey everyone - i joined this site because an old friend of mine joined and seems to be doing really well.

    i graduated from college last may and came home and weighed myself - 275. the highest i've ever, ever, ever been. i've always been a big girl - i'm 5'11" and am just structured to be large. but in high school and the beginning of college i lost weight and weighed around 180. i was so happy to be there! i felt really good about myself. but i let myself go and now here i am again...

    joined a gym and got down to 239, but let myself go AGAIN and am now up to 256. i really need to get back on track, and i know the only way to do it is to eat healthy and exercise more. it's just hard to get motivated. i live with my parents and they keep junk in the house and it's really frustrating. my parents are both overweight and it's really tempting to see all the good food around the house! my mom is a southern belle and likes comfort food (fried, cheesy, you name it!).

    i just joined to keep track of everything. i eat when i'm stressed or emotional and i don't even realize i'm doing it half the time. i figured if i kept track of what i was eating it would force myself to think before i eat between meals.

    :) nice to meet you all!
  • Hello,

    Welcome to the site. There are a lot of wonderful people here who are supportive and willing to hand out advices on how to keep yourself on track.

    The main reason I joined was because my weight now is the heaviest I have ever been and decided that enough is enough. When I started logging out my food entries , I was stunned at the amount of calories that those little nibbles added to my diet. With that awareness, it lead me to healthier food choices. Before I pick up a chocolate cake, I would often ask myself, "Do I really want to exercise for more than an hour just to burn it off?". I have also "fallen off the wagon" , so to speak, and indulge in my favorite desert once a week, just so I won't feel deprived.

    Anyway, Good Luck and we can do this!

  • whalomgirl
    whalomgirl Posts: 35 Member
    The calorie counter on here really does help, and if you use it, I know you'll see results. I'm an emotional eater, too....well....maybe a binge eater is more accurate. It's hard because I am cooking for a family of 7 and they don't want healthy food. I have to have some temptations in the house, but I make sure to log everything. If I do mess up, i TRY TO MAKE UP FOR IT WITH EXCERSIZE!!
  • tall_t
    tall_t Posts: 251


    I can totally feel your pain. I am 6'1, and I allowed myself to get HUGE. I have been here about 2 months now and I am doing well. This site really can help you.

  • Well welcome to the site, this is a great sight. Well I feel you on that. I can really relate too your story, I am 5'11" also, I am @ 176.0 but started @ 203. I have been trying too loose weight for a long time also. It is like I would loose, loose, loose and then let myself go and I would come back, and I am so tired of Yo-yo-ing it is a shame. And I have the same obsticales, being in a house that has all those good snacks and stuff in there. It is hard, because the food is so yummy and you can be so tempted to give in and just eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, ummmmmmm, but you know when you eat like that the lbs are going to go straight to the hips and thighs and but. Well you can look @ the bright side of things. You are thinner than when you started, right, eventhough you have went back and let youself go, you have created some good eating habits and working out habit for the long haul, So stick with it. When you are temped with those bad foods, just know that they are BAD and we don't wont to consume that type of food!!! Why would you do that 2 your body. Sometimes that helps me, 2 think of the foods as BAD FOOD, almost like drinkinging, smoking, doing drugs, I put fattening foods in that category, I know that sounds crazy, but that helps me. And you can eat those foods, just do in moderation, instead of eatting a whole row of double stuff oreos, just eat 3, 4 or maybe 5, and you will satifiy the craving and then just leave it alone, and don't look back, It may be hard, but you can do it, Just think of those skinny jeans that you want to fit, and how you want too look, and all your goals and that will help you when temptation strikes!!! You can do it!!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I love this girl! :heart: :flowerforyou:
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