

  • Hello, my name is Kira and I am a 22 year college student. I am about end my senior year, and next year I will begin a year long student teaching internship. I am not sure what my current weight is, but the last time I weighed myself I was above 300 pounds. Since I am about to enter the job market, I need to loose the…
  • Thank you for responding. They have not put me on the metaformin yet. I was just offically diagnosed with it back in November. So far my doctor has put me on a 100mg 2x daily spironolactone regimine. She wants to do this first for two months before she starts me on anything else. Regarding the food, i do eat from the salad…
  • Oh man, this weekend i have splurged soo badly. I went to my families in tennesee, and they eat a lot of heavy foods. My grandmother is old world german, and she tries to feed us all the time, and i knew i couldnt stay to well to a diet this weekend. This weekend started on Thursday, where for breakfast my grandmother…