

  • skeletal issues are not a result of running....that's actually a myth. I have arthritis in my hips and running has actually helped this me better overall leg strength and flexibility. Of course, stretching is really important to the sport and building upper body strength is equally important. I find it…
    in I'm back Comment by bieque March 2012
  • If I go from lying down to sitting up too quickly or from sitting to standing too quickly, I can actually have moments where everything goes black and I have to stand or sit there for a minute to let it pass. I discovered that I have low blood pressure and this will happen if I haven't consumed enough salt. Also found out…
  • Thanks! This is my regular weigh in day but I do watch the scale probably too often. :) I'll wait and see if it goes down in a few days. Just wanted to hear what others do.
  • none of those ear bud headphones work for me when I run...they just keep popping out, which is extremely annoying and distracting. I bought a pair of JVC that wrap around the ear and I LOVE them! I've had them for about 2 years now and they have never fallen out, even when running on rough terrain. Plus, you can still hear…
  • I'm 5'5" and sw was 135. My current weight is 130.2 and my goal weight is 127. But I'd be ok with 129 since I've lost 2 inches off my waist and almost an inch off my hips. I get frustrated with clothing because someone will state that they're a size 2 at 129 lbs whereas at 130.2, I'm still a size 8 and a 10 in some styles.…
  • That does sound like a lot of calories...went back and looked again and it actually says 1/4 of the recipe and the recipe makes 4 servings. I think you're right about not taking samples...this is too tough to figure out. But it looked really good and I had just worked out at the gym.....
  • I'm struggling to get up to 1200 net calories per problem was under eating as I estimated that the food I was eating contained more calories than they actually do. Then when I add in my exercise, I'm usually under my calories by about 300 each day but can't stuff anymore food in as I'm stuffed. I've lost 4 lbs so…
  • Brooks Adrenaline and love them!
  • Just wanted to say that not all running skirts are the same, so definately try on several of them. I only have 1 right now and I do like it, but it's a little long and I like my friends' better. I live in Florida and it is extremely hot here right now, so the running skirt is a lot cooler than my capri running pants. Plus,…