
  • The solution that works for me is 3 meals and 3 'snacks' per day. I include protein in my main meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner), example of my snacks...grapes mid morning, an apple mid afternoon, and 15 raw almonds for the evening munchies (mix it up however you feel inclined). Add exercise to your daily routine... It…
    in How long... Comment by CPBC July 2010
  • It happens to all of us. you get tired to tracking everything, tired of salads, and tired of putting the effort into eating healthy - and in this world of fast food, it does take effort. Dont think about how far you have to go...celebrate how far you have come!!! Now get out there and move your body, walk, run, ride a bike…
  • Nice! We travelled in British Columbia, Alberta and Montana. You can read all about our adventure at www.mountainhighbc.com
    in Crossfit Comment by CPBC August 2009
  • A total beginner but have fallen in love with it. Just back from the mountains after spending the of month of July mountaineering with my son - who is working to earn his mountain guide certification.
    in Crossfit Comment by CPBC August 2009
  • Carefree but naive is clearly the right description. You also lack the resources to enjoy life to its fullest, I'm not talking about financial but emotional resources. As you 'mature' you stop worrying about what others are thinking and just get on with living, the best thing one can do for themselves is to be comfortable…
  • The actual calories burned is debated on the crossfit forum site http://board.crossfit.com/showthread.php?t=30666 The best suggestion to date is to use the cross-training option in the Exercise diary as a general indicator. Best of luck!
    in Crossfit Comment by CPBC August 2009
  • Absolutely! I'm 52, started my healthy eating and exercise program in September. Am down 40 pounds and went from size 16 to 8. Best advice, be honest with yourself...if you cheat in recording your eating and activities....you are only cheating yourself. Remember to exercise, it gets the blood flowing, lifts your spirits…
  • Its all about routine. Breaking the routine of logging could lead to breaking your overall health/fitness routine. Keep going girl!!