TiMoPhat Member


  • Im in!!! SW: 202 (Jan 4, 2016) CW: 195 GW: 165 Let's Go!!!
  • Hi Every one!!! Today 9/19, I did the Ab interval. This was pretty tough for me but my planks are getting a lot better. The V shape crunches presented some challenges for me but I worked through. I did less of the modified versions and actually stopped the video at places to ensure that my technique was correct. Certain…
  • Hey Everyone!!! I did Total Body Circuit today! By far this is my favorite of all the workouts so far. Again I did a cross between the exercises and the modifier due to my little ankle injury. I look forward to hearing everyone else's progress in the coming weeks!! Good Luck All!
  • Hi Everyone!! I am Ti Awna and I have been doing Focus T25 on and off since the second week of August. I will be starting over with you all but 2 days late but will double up the workouts from Monday and Tuesday during my rest day. I love the workout and I know it works but I definitely need a team to support me and keep…
  • St. Maarten, St. Lucia or Melbourne, Australia
  • you can add me :)
  • I began working out with a friend in graduate school and He was like my trainer. I lost a decent amount of weight as well since we were pushing each other. But since he lived in another country , I knew after graduation I would be left alone to find a new gym and workout alone. So since I had a routine and also knew how to…
  • Im 25 and add me We can support wach other
  • I am 25 and I have lost about 12 lbs so far about 8 of them or so have been while on MFP and I am just about 8 lbs or so from my goal!! Always looking for new pals. Good Luck and I will add you.
  • I usually weigh in on Thursday or Friday morning around 6am. It all depends on the workouts I did that week or the night before and after I use the restroom in the morning. I used to be on weight watchers so I am used to the weekly weigh ins so I just continued them personally even after I stopped using WW. I may randomly…
  • Jillian's Helpers are definitely in WAY better Shape!!!
  • Add me!! We can cheer each other on!!!
  • I usually add raisins and dried cranberries and a little cinnamon. But I also switch up my breakfast on weekends. I also get fat free vanilla yogurt and sprinkle oatmeal on top along with raisins and cinnamon as well. Sometimes I add fruit like mixed berries or strawberries. It tastes amazing!!! A cool way to do oatmeal…
  • Treating myself to a 25th birthday vacation in the Caribbean!!!
  • I pay $50 a month which includes a multi-gym pass at the local gym including my towel service. One is more convenient for me during the week and then another is more convenient during the weekends. I am a member of the all female gym but go to the co-ed gym during the week. I take spin/RPM classes at least once a…
  • Hey guys...feel free to add me!!!
  • Hey Kati!!! I started off with Weight Watchers too. but I think this is just as good and maybe BETTER!!! I will add you as a friend and Good Luck!!!
  • SW:172.3 CW: 172 GW: 169 I have two weeks and a business trip and my work load doesnt stop!!! I will workout at least 4 times next week while at my conference. Hey mfp folks...add me as a friend..and hold me to my work!!! Good Luck with the rest of october!!!
  • I actually do really well at Target, JCP, walmart and marshalls. They have pretty good prices..and i also just usually workout in old leggings and t-shirts. But i got the best Izod sports bra from Burlington coat Factory believe it or not. I got a great pair of neoprene shorts from walmart for 10 bucks and they are…
  • Im in again for October!!! SW: 172.3 Goal for October: 169 Self-Challenge: Take my vitamins daily and increase my water intake :) I hope October goes well!!! Good Luck Everyone!!!
  • Starting Weight: 176.2 CW: 175 Goal: 4 lbs down. Only 2 weeks left gotta get down 3 lbs!!! Personal challenge: I am getting better at tracking my water and increasing but still havent had a full week of drinking 8 glasses a day. Still going slow..but getting WAY WAY Better.. Keep up the good work everyone!!!
  • Hello All, I am definitely in for this challenge...feel free to friend me and check me if im doing something wrong!!!! I definitely need the motivation and accountability SW: - 175.8 GW- 165 (maybe) September Goal: 171. Lets Do IT!!!! Challenge: To increase my water intake...take a vitamin per day..and do some kind of…