25 y/old, New to all this!

Hi there,

Hey!! :D Im new to all this and was thinking about trying out an online method of help for my weight loss!

All i want to do really is lose around 20lbs...which doesnt seem to want to budge too easily!! and generally be happier and more comfortable in my own skin.
I have lots of friends who are supportive but who dont have many issues with their weight or dont go to the gym so it gets kinda lonely in this little circle of mine ;)

Im generally a very positive person and am a great listener and try to give the best advice i can so... Its nice to meet ya'll! :D

Sheri x


    SSSLLLX3 Posts: 22
    sending you a friend request!
  • lilsaph
    lilsaph Posts: 63 Member
    I'm also 25 - I had about 20/25 lbs to lose and I'm almost there!! Just sent you a friend request :-)
  • SheriHellsBells
    Heheh! Thank you ladies! :D
  • apparatus195316
    apparatus195316 Posts: 79 Member
    I'll be 25 in august...I've lost 22, with 12 more to go! I've sent you a friend request if you'd like to add me. Good luck!
  • SheriHellsBells
    Hey lilsaph,
    What kind of exerisices did you do to help you out? I go to the gym 3 - 4 times a week, normally for around 80 mins and though i and people around me have noticed weight loss, I've got muscle...which is great...sept i dont want to be bulked up wth too much muscle!! haha. :D x
  • BobOki
    BobOki Posts: 245 Member
    Non-creeper here that posts often and I would like to think I have some humor about me. Anyone feel free to add me up, I'll try not to disapoint!
  • TiMoPhat
    TiMoPhat Posts: 26 Member
    I am 25 and I have lost about 12 lbs so far about 8 of them or so have been while on MFP and I am just about 8 lbs or so from my goal!! Always looking for new pals. Good Luck and I will add you.
  • SheriHellsBells
    Good luck to you!! :)
  • munny_p
    munny_p Posts: 73 Member
    I'm 24, have been on here less than a week. Lost 1lb so far, not weighing in again until tomorrow. Want to lose 17-20lbs Feel free to add me. :)
  • melissafiola
    I'm 25 as well, and have a pretty daunting amount of weight to lose. But logging seems to help me think before I eat, which is one of my biggest problems. I just sent you a request. I look forward to motivating each other! :)
  • SheriHellsBells
    Hi Melissa! Well no problem chick, we can help eachother :D I dont have many friends who can get on this journey with me so its great to make new ones :D x