

  • I have a trainer that I see twice a month (that's all I can afford); I have fitness games on my Wii as well as fun dance games, Tae Bo and I have Zumba DVDs. Tell me why I'm still fat?
  • Hello everyone. My name is Rishawna. I have been struggling with my weight since I was 12. I am 33 now. Ugh. Born and raised in DC - went to Alice Deal JHS, Duke Ellington School of the Arts and graduated from American U. Was an "A" student my whole life, maintained that same GPA in college, made the Dean's List and…
  • Curves are beautiful and as a black woman I embrace mine like you. However, there is a bit of excess "poundage" surrounding my abdominal area that has proven to be a health concern in regards to diabetes. I am a black woman with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome - a hormonal disorder that causes the body to fight itself. A huge…
  • I'm in the same boat! To see 199 would be a dream come true. And from there I can turn that dream into reality by keeping the number down.
  • I totally feel ya! I don't have any support either b/c all of my family members are skinny! They tell me to push away from the table and run around the block a few times. Can you feel the love? Yeah, me either. Soooo we are in this together and we can show those "naysayers"!
  • I need all the help I can get. Please add me! :)
  • Hello! My name is Rishawna. I fell off the band-wagon and am trying to get back. I have been sad, depressed and frustrated, but I am tired of being tired. I need help, but I am determined to do this! Add me as a friend, we can motivate each other. :)
  • I really needed this. I stress about this every day. But thanks for helping me put things in perspective.