

  • I have binge-eating disorder. For me, it manifests itself in periods of starvation, followed by consumption of insane and shocking amounts of food (and calories!) Further, the obsession continues, as I try to exercise and exercise, so that I can eat more. I have been struggling to manage my food choices, and logging them…
  • So... if my designated "To-Eat" calories equal 1200, and I ALSO exercise, I should eat MORE than 1200? Ex: today I burned about 650 cal doing 50 minutes of cardio exercises at the gym. What I'm asking is, now I need to eat 1200 calories, PLUS 650 to lose weight? Is that what everyone is saying, or... ?
  • P.S. Too much water combined with a lot of exercise and sweating can also be bad. If you're exercising a lot, make sure you replenish your electrolytes with Gatorade or something like it (I like G2- it's very low calorie.)
  • That happens to me too, and I noticed it's usually when I exercise really, really long and hard, and don't eat very many calories. I, too, noticed that they tend to go away when I eat. So when I do eat, I am trying to eat more fruits and veggies, and during meals, I make sure to include lean protein. Please let ME know if…
  • Yeah I am! The way to earn more calories is to exercise more.