

  • Make your own yougurt!!! I do :) It's easy. Greek yougurt is simply regular yougurt with added dry milk to make it thicker. I use a heating pad as an incubator. Just google ''how to make yougurt'' It's really cost effective too. I use organic milk and a gallon is the same price as a small container of greek yougurt. Plus,…
  • Bump. I've been wondering..
  • Oh and also eat at the same times every day. Breakfast, lunch and dinner and 3 snacks.
    in hi there Comment by Rachel925 July 2011
  • Sometimes its because I try to eat too few calories and then ky body freaks out. I recommend logging everything. And don't beat self up!
    in hi there Comment by Rachel925 July 2011
  • Yeah a typical school lunch is not worth it. Is rather eat something delicious for those calories. Next time, brown bag it.
  • And I would guess 600 calories. 700 if you had a milk
  • I hate to say it, but those mini sizes are probably right portions. I used to work in a mushroom cafeteria and those were considered adult portions even though I would have to eat 2 lunches lol
  • Drink water. After you eat small portions for a few days, your stomach will shrink and u will be full. Chew your food well.
  • Chef here. Yes, theres def a difficulty in handling food. I guess its like an alcoholic being a bartender, only everyone has to eat. I keep gum around and say mantra to myself. You have control, food doesn't control you. I think it would help to have some inspiration around too. Always eat a snack and drink lots of water…
  • Thanks yall!!!
  • Oh I am a Brussels sprout lover after cooking them like this: Clean the cabbage up and cut into halves. Toss in a little bit of olive oil and then bake in the o(en. About 350 for 15 min. Delicacies!!! Try this my friend!
  • I'm 5 7 and 162. My goal is to get down to 145