

  • I can't help ya, but I can sympathize with ya! I worked my butt off for four weeks straight, burning about 1,000 calories a day on the treadmill and logging my food and I lost two stinking pounds....discouraging. So, I chucked it all and now I'm back here again, trying to get the motivation and discipline to get myself…
  • I've used both as well and I have to say I sweat a lot more using the treadmill than the treadclimber, so that makes me feel like I'm working harder on the treadmill. The treadclimber is more enjoyable but my trainer told me that there's nothing better than running to lose weight.
  • Don't give up! Listen to your body if you are in real pain, but if it's just because you want to end the run, don't do it. This is an excellent way to build up to the 5k. You will be amazed at what your body can do if you feed it right and exercise it properly. You have to tell yourself you can meet the goal set before…
  • I ran this morning on my treadmill that has a chest attached heart rate monitor and I'm around 120 lbs. My pace is 5.5 to 6/mph and I burned 538 calories in 59 minutes with a five minute cool down. Your maximum heart rate is determined by subtracting your age from 220. I usually stay within my target zone of closer to 75%.…