Aloemilk Member


  • I'm adding you, scsooze, if that's okay :) I'm not showing at all... but I suspect my belly for that, lol!
  • I'm 11 weeks pregnant, but you know me already :) I'm primal, having added back more dairy than I was having before. I went up in my carbs to stay out of ketosis *just in case*, and I'm currently having 70-100 grams of carbs a day. I'm walking a lot more, trying to use the stairs at my building more often (I live on the…
  • When fresh, you can shred it and use it in a salad (especially mixed with tomatoes and such juicy veggies). Mexicans also just cut it in wedges and put some fresh lemon juice on it, and eat it just like that.
  • Mine are 60% fat, 30% protein and 10% carbs :)
  • Feel free to add me! Though it is true that you don't *need* to count calories, calories do affect the result. Even if you're eating strict paleo/primal, if you're eating 3500 calories a day you're going to gain weight ;) Rob Wolff actually suggests MILD calorie deficit for better results (if you aim to lose weight). I log…
  • This may help you see what you can eat. Like tiger9759 said, some start going primal one meal a day, some of us just go all for it. Choose whichever method works better with your personality, and for meal ideas, check our diaries or look online like purplesaurus suggested :) Eating this way makes going out more difficult,…
  • Motivation to me is all about loving myself. I'm doing this to be healthy, to be confident, and to feel powerful. All of that means that I'm doing this because I love myself enough to take charge of my health. Even if I cheat, even if I crave bad stuff sometimes, I will not give up and I'll just jump right back to the…
  • Same here! Perfect for me.
  • I've been studying primal living for more than a year now, and I absolutely love it. I have to be honest, I do miss bread slathered in butter, but I'm trying to avoid falling off the wagon as much as I can. I already had a year to cheat twice a week; time to make a change :laugh: Something that has become really important…
  • These thread looks so yummy! I will try to add my own pictures :)
  • True! I originally started primal in October 2011. I did well for almost two months, until Christmas time... Hubby and I spend a few days at his parents' house and decided we would take a break from being strictly primal. Things were never the same; we started cheating 2 huge meals a week more or less. After a bit more…
  • I'm not an expert (so maybe you should do your own research and ask your doctor for the final say in this) but I've read that a little bit of ginger during the 1st trimester might help you feel better. Also, aside from several blogs about primal pregnancy (a simple google search should help you with that), this is my…