Paleo/ primal eating?



  • elleceetee729
    I have been eating 100% "primal" for the last month and I feel fantastic. I really do feel a change from how I was eating before. The first couple of weeks were really, really hard but now I have tons more energy and I eat WAY fewer calories now that I eat so much more protein and fat. Try it out and see if you like it - what's to lose?
  • PaveGurl
    PaveGurl Posts: 244 Member
    It's really just asinine IMO to eliminate dairy and grains (and legumes) because people other than yourself have sensitvities/allergies (assuming you don't have some sensitivity) .

    Strive to eat whole, nutritious foods, but a "good" vs. "bad" ideology leads to ragequit if you aren't mental to begin with.

    Eating a higher percentage of your diet from nutritious foods will make you feel better, paleo or not.
    Depends on which science you're looking at, really. There's a significant amount of evidence that suggests those foods are bad for the human body. And I find I function more effectively, feel better, and have better health screens when I omit them, despite having no known "allergies." I do know when I eat wheat or gluten-containing foods, I feel like crap - I am itchy, I can't get full no matter what, I"m constantly hungry, and I break out. Why does it matter to you what someone else eats?

    FWIW, I've been 80/20ing primal since about June. No murderragekill here, except when I go off book and eat too much refined added sugar. Things go off the rails then *laugh*

    @wheird: Yes, but it's not believed to be a result of diet so much as incredibly difficult living conditions. Anthropological evidence suggests (via bone records and such) they were healthier than neolithic (agriculturally based) societies nearby.
  • Aloemilk
    Aloemilk Posts: 12 Member
    I've been studying primal living for more than a year now, and I absolutely love it. I have to be honest, I do miss bread slathered in butter, but I'm trying to avoid falling off the wagon as much as I can. I already had a year to cheat twice a week; time to make a change :laugh:

    Something that has become really important to me, is to look into bioavailability of nutrients. E.g., spinach has a lot of Calcium, but you end up being able to absorb less than 6% due to its high amount of antinutrients (compounds that attach to nutrients, changing their structure and thus making them unsuitable for absorption). Grains and legumes are full of those, too, and it's the main reason I don't include them in my diet.
  • linbert57
    linbert57 Posts: 154 Member
    I've been doing primal for a little while now. I'm feeling so much better, great amount of energy. I'm glad you visited Mark's daily apple. Did you get all the freebies (e-books) from the site. There is tons of info out there but I feel Mark Sisson can get you going in the right direction with the eating, fitness (playing) etc. You can friend me if you'd like. Good luck on your journey :)
  • MeganDominique
    MeganDominique Posts: 229 Member
    Didn't cavemen die at early ages?

    Ah the didnt caveman live to only be 30 argument well:
    1) no moder medicine meaning infant mortality was high as well as
    Deaths from the flu and other vaccinations we folks today have.
    2) infectious infections killed people off without things like rubbing alcohol , polypsporin ect
    3) they were vulnerable to alot bigger and scarier predatory animals than we have today
    4) they were vulnerable to the elements due to a lack of structure security hence people' like the ice man have been found frozen alive .

    Also I've been enlightened to further believe we aren't supposed to eat grains by my introductory anthropology class... " the fossilized bones show evidence of faster deturation and suffering in those who consumed grains"- my textbook
  • jahowell
    i feel better eating no grains or dairy, I do every once and a while, the first place I feel it is my knees, my joints hurt so bad....I less cravings, anxiety, ect. I think its a great way of eating!
  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    I didn't do it for the sake of eating paleo, but I cut out grains from my diet for about 3 months.

    My intestines HATED me...

    6 months later and my cholesterol and other bloodwork have actually improved from already good numbers...

    The paleo diet is a healthy diet (most of the time) in spite of itself not because of itself IMO.

    You take people eating garbage and start them eating nothing but whole foods and you see improvements? That there is MAGIC (or not).

    If it works for you (and it probably does as long as you make sure you get the micronutrients that its foods tend to lack), good for you. Ideologically, I think it is a witch hunt at best, and I think there are better ways to go about thinking of foods other than "this is good, this is bad".

    Not a sole outside of the last 50 or so years had all the varieties of safe foods we have readily available either....
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    I actually think the paleo/primal eating style isn't a bad thing. It sounds incredibly healthy aside from being very restrictive. It works for a lot of people and I suspect it would work for me as well, if I was willing to go into a restrictive eating lifestyle. I am not.

    That all said. I just wish to heck they'd find a different name for it. What we know about what the 'caveman' ate could fit on the sharp end of a pin, and even whether that is known as fact is debatable. All that knowledge is nothing more than educated guesses based upon what we think we know, and in comparison to modern day cultures. The other thing that seems to be rarely taken into consideration when selling points besides the actual benefits of the food choices is that humans have evolved from that 'original' state. What might have been good and healthy for the 'caveman' is not necessarily good and healthy for us.

    In summary, I don't think the eating habits promoted are bad, I just think they're based on an exceptionally unstable and unproven foundation.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Apparently you are all already friends, so it was all kind of in good fun, but, how was I to know? Look at it from the eyes of a stranger not privy to that. I just didn't want some lady I don't know getting cat called on my thread. No big deal, like I said, I don't really care.

    That is the problem................they aren't making the comments in good fun.

    They are doing it as a way to belittle and start crap on any Paleo / Primal threads.

    I wish people wouldn't come and interject nonsense into a thread where people are actually trying to learn and conversate with one another about a particular topic.

    OP, please feel free to friend me.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Apparently you are all already friends, so it was all kind of in good fun, but, how was I to know? Look at it from the eyes of a stranger not privy to that. I just didn't want some lady I don't know getting cat called on my thread. No big deal, like I said, I don't really care.

    That is the problem................they aren't making the comments in good fun.

    They are doing it as a way to belittle and start crap on any Paleo / Primal threads.

    I wish people wouldn't come and interject nonsense into a thread where people are actually trying to learn and conversate with one another about a particular topic.

    OP, please feel free to friend me.

    Actually, they are my friends and yes they were joking. Their jokes had nothing to do with belittling your precious lifestyle. OP and I already talked about it. So once again, don't come flying in and go about slinging mud. I posted links to paleo groups, even though I stated that I don't agree with it.

    Your argument is invalid.

    I won't come back into this thread now that you're in here because every time you show up, threads turn to crap.

    Op, as I've already said through PMs , best of luck to you!
  • jsuaccounting
    jsuaccounting Posts: 193 Member
    Off topic a little but favorite paleo recipie- canned wild salmon is affordable and very paleo. I add an egg and mix with maybe a little coconut or almond meal - then I make little patties that I cook in a pan coated with a little coconut oil. Non-paleo folks agree these are very good salmon patties. Serve with some steamed brocoli, lemon wedges and grass fed butter.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Apparently you are all already friends, so it was all kind of in good fun, but, how was I to know? Look at it from the eyes of a stranger not privy to that. I just didn't want some lady I don't know getting cat called on my thread. No big deal, like I said, I don't really care.

    That is the problem................they aren't making the comments in good fun.

    They are doing it as a way to belittle and start crap on any Paleo / Primal threads.

    I wish people wouldn't come and interject nonsense into a thread where people are actually trying to learn and conversate with one another about a particular topic.

    OP, please feel free to friend me.

    Actually, they are my friends and yes they were joking. Their jokes had nothing to do with belittling your precious lifestyle. OP and I already talked about it. So once again, don't come flying in and go about slinging mud. I posted links to paleo groups, even though I stated that I don't agree with it.

    Your argument is invalid.

    I won't come back into this thread now that you're in here because every time you show up, threads turn to crap.

    Op, as I've already said through PMs , best of luck to you!

    No, it is not because of me that threads turn to crap. And, frankly I don't care if they are your "online" friends or not.

    I am sick of people that don't agree with this lifestyle coming in and NOT CONTRIBUTING CONSTRUCTIVELY to the conversation at hand. That is just ignorance.

    People don't come into the other mainstream threads and make comments that have nothing to do with the topic.
  • Swifty1117

    I follow a paleo type lifestyle. I'm an olympic lifter. I've been successful with it. If you have any questions I can certainly help

  • AddyMaeMomma
    AddyMaeMomma Posts: 84 Member
    My husband has lost over 50lbs on Paleo. He loves it!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Now I'm starting to wonder if I am paleo-ish? I don't have any philosophical agendas or anything to prove, I just am curious. I have a digestive disorder that causes all kinds of inflammation and misery and my doctor's suggested an elimination diet. I learned that I can't eat red meat, pork, eggs, dairy, gluten and some legumes. So I mostly eat fish, birds, nuts, seeds, rice, tubers, vegetables and fruit. Is that paleo? Most of my food is cooked from scratch and comes with minimal to no processing. Kinda sounds like paleo a little.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    primal man didn't have a whole foods, js
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    primal man didn't have a whole foods, js

    I think when they refer to whole foods, they are not talking about the store, Whole Foods. They are referring to foods being as close to their natural, whole state as possible, rather than being broken down, processed and refined. :flowerforyou:
  • gennafer731
    gennafer731 Posts: 27 Member
    I don't understand the paleo diet, it makes no sense. You are trying to eat like a cave man.... erm why? I get it if you have sugar issues and starchy carbs bother your system don't eat them, or you are lactose intolerance don't do milk, gluten allergy you should stay away from bread. Besides specific issues with specific types of food, paleo is just a complicated diet that I see as a game of "pretend I'm a cave person".

    You should always try to avoid processed food, cause it has who knows what in it. You should avoid food that upsets your body, obviously. However most people do fine on most natural foods. Trying to do these gimicky diets makes it harder for you to stick to A diet. Moderation and healthy food choices with a few treats now and then to keep you happy is the key to long term dieting.

    P.S. I read the Primal Blueprint and it made me want to kill myself.
  • mbgambill
    mbgambill Posts: 28 Member
    I have done 4 days of Paleo. I feel better, brain fog is gone. I am really hungry though. I am eating tons of veggies and plenty of protein. Will that unsatisfied hungry feeling go away eventually? Can I eat sweet potatoes?
  • evilmj31
    evilmj31 Posts: 55 Member
    WHen I found out I was allergic to dairy I went looking for reciepies of things I could eat and found a paleo website. Curious I read over all the information and decided to give it a try. I feel 100% better, I don't crave sugar or chips or crap anymore, my joints don't hurt anymore and I have lots of energy.

    It may not be for everyone, but there is nothing wrong with a paleo diet if that is what you want to do. It works for me so I am sticking with it, and man did I used to be a carbaholic...strange how I no longer miss it.