ttucker32 Member


  • I have the same recipe..did it last week for 3 days lost 4lbs. Several of my coworkers did it and we all lost from 3-6lbs in 3 days. I love all the veggies and it does taste great! I like spicy food so I add a couple tablespoons of hot salsa..yum. You can also snack on fruit and have unlimited salsa and veggies.
  • My favorite part is the accoutability. I see the calories I am taking in, and I also have the option of exercising them down if I go over. I like that at the end of the day you can see where you will be in 5 weeks, that gets my attention. I did weight watchers for awhile and it does get very expensive, and I did not lose…
  • You look great. I agree with other comments about comparing yourself to others. This is your success and no one is doing it but you. I too have a small mom about a size 4 and I am a 12 but I have my own specials qualities just like you. Keep going until you feel comfortable with you. Congrats on the 30 I am barely losing a…