new to fitness pal.... looking for some buddies.

Hi everyone! I am new to fitness pal. I am 29 female and I would like to lose 35 pounds so that I can get off insulin. I got diabetes two months ago and I hate taking shots! I need to loose about 100 pounds but 35 pounds would be great to get off those meds.

what's your favorite thing about this site? would you share that with me? Im on weight watchers, but it's becoming way to expensive . looking for alternatives.

Thanks everyone. To our health! z


  • jamielee37
    jamielee37 Posts: 57 Member
    Friend me!!
    The best thing about this site is there is so much choice with don't have to have a meal plan and it reinforces HEALTHY decisions that will stick with you with just a little dedication! =)
    Good luck!
  • zwrightsell
    zwrightsell Posts: 12 Member
    thanks way to go on your weight loss.
  • welcome!

    I also have a bit of weight to lose. It gets easier as more time passes, and my favorite thing about the site is that everyone is so positive and really help you when you feel you are having a weak moment.

    maybe an alternative would be to try the 17 day diet? i've heard a lot of good things about it. I don't have it yet. But, I'm definitely going to get the book soon.

    good luck to you on your weight loss!
  • uyent
    uyent Posts: 88 Member
    Weight Watchers works and is great but I found this site a lot easier. The database is huge and you don't have to carry that little calculator around, my fingers were always so big for the numbers. :) Add me if you like, we can support each other...uyent
  • ttucker32
    ttucker32 Posts: 3 Member
    My favorite part is the accoutability. I see the calories I am taking in, and I also have the option of exercising them down if I go over. I like that at the end of the day you can see where you will be in 5 weeks, that gets my attention. I did weight watchers for awhile and it does get very expensive, and I did not lose all that much. So far so good on MFP. I have had some bad weeks and check my email and it shows that I have not logged in, that motivates me..I hate that Good luck and never give up.
  • bugsygal89
    bugsygal89 Posts: 48 Member

    Weight watchers works mostly because it shows you how to eat in moderation :-) However, this site is fantastic because you can keep track of how much you eat and how much you exercise quickly and efficiently. It makes it easier to pinpoint what you're doing wrong :-P

    My favorite thing that I'm also learning? Instead of focusing on extreme diets or 'fad diets', exercise more. Start slow at first but for some reason, working out is AMAZING at decreasing my appetite and making me want to eat healthy!! (Plus it helps when you find out how much work it takes to burn a simple 200 calories haha)

    Add me so we can chat and help inspire each other!! I am at the beginning of my weight loss but I'm confident because it has worked wonders for me before :P
  • zwrightsell
    zwrightsell Posts: 12 Member
  • I also have just joined. Last week infact. I needed a little bit of motivation to lose some weight. I have always been healthy and exercised but in the last 2 years the weight was beginning to creep up. I have never had to diet before and was finding it really hard as I was used to eating whatever I liked and how much I liked.
    I have found this site really good as it is easy to use and it helps me to make healthy choices (as it is awful to have to put a whole packet of mint slice biscuits in your daily counter.)
    Anyway good luck and hopefully we can all lose weight together and help keep each other motivated.
  • GurleyGirl524
    GurleyGirl524 Posts: 578 Member
    This site is awesome. It makes it sooo easy. I can not pin point one favorite thing. I have a friend who started weight watchers at the same time I started MFP, she has lost 9 pounds, I have lost 23. She is threatening to take me out back and whip me lol. She said she will not pay WW again. MFP has made me so much more aware about what I eat, how I eat, and how I excercise. My BP has even dropped some. I love it here. Feel free to add me as a friend if you like, can't have too many people offering support and encouragement and you will find lots of that here. Hope to hear from you soon.
  • darpeg2007
    darpeg2007 Posts: 4 Member
    hi i am new to this as well. how do you post to introduce yourself??
  • Nosila0815
    Nosila0815 Posts: 143 Member
    I love the ability to log anywhere and at anytime as long as you have your phone. I love the ability to scan my food. I love the positive comments that everyone gives each other. I love the support you get from everyone when you are having a bad day. MFP is a great resource and it is housed with great people.