Ulanda Member


  • Thanks everyone! :)
  • http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs563.ash2/148502_10150100601654665_672554664_7161109_5527730_n.jpg
  • I think I'm about 5'5" Before - 190 lbs After - 138 lbs http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs563.ash2/148502_10150100601654665_672554664_7161109_5527730_n.jpg
  • For cycling, I find that the calories burned count on my bike is higher than the calculated count on MPM for the speed range, so I go with my bike. I just bought a pedometer to track my steps/calories burned while walking, will see how closely it matches MPM. For me, the estimates on MPM are good motivation and also helps…
    in How accurate Comment by Ulanda May 2010
  • i usually count my Walk Away The Pounds workouts as Aerobics-high impact or Aerobics-low impact, depending on the intensity of the workout.
  • I have the same issue with the sugar. The only way I see myself staying within this range is to prepare everything myself from scratch -- no pre-packaged, processed, or take out -- and even still that goal may be hard to manage...
    in Sugar Help Comment by Ulanda May 2010
  • I just bought her new book a few days ago, can't wait to try out some of the recipes, they look delicious and like something the whole family could enjoy...
    in Hungry Girl Comment by Ulanda April 2010