RangedLunatic Member


  • I have bluetooth earphones I use for running, but I haven't had great luck biking with them. There's always too much wind noise, in town there's too much traffic noise, and on the trail I'd really like more advanced warning for bears.
  • I'd suggest one day a week of cycling. It's good cardio but comparatively low impact. You'll probably rely heavily on cycling while recovering from any injuries, so it would be good to get used to it in advance. I hear swimming talked about a lot but I've never personally tried it during race training. Your mileage may…
  • Male Height: 183cm, 6' Weight: 90kg, 198lbs BMR 1800 TDEE usually 3800-4000 Exercise: Running every day, min 2km, max 15km. Lifting 4 days a week on average. Walking 3-4 hours a day. I eat back all my exercise calories... can't burn that much without eating.
  • I would say try it for a month or so and see what happens. I've used the fitbit for about a year and gotten good results with it's calorie count.
  • After a run I need to walk a bit to cool down... easy enough if I run from my apartment, since I can walk through the parking lot and up the stairs and such. I noticed about two months ago that when I'm running away from home, if I run right up to my car and sit down I'll start feeling faint, vision going grey... it's…
  • Most days, but Monday is what goes in the spreadsheet. In large part because Sunday is most likely to be my Long Run day.
  • I'm not sure about your state, but in a lot of places, anyone can call themselves a nutritionist. You have no way of knowing how qualified they might be. Definitely skip that. Should you see a registered dietician? Probably. But if it's expensive why not see how things go on your own first? You could always save that…
  • Rest days are bulk days in more ways than one... I have a physical job and active hobbies. I normally spend 6-8 hours a day on me feet, minimum, and will typically burn 1500-2000 calories over my BMR. When I don't get much activity, say I'm on a roadtrip or get sucked into a video game, my appetite doesn't decrease at all.…
  • Yeah, it's been slowed down for me. Probably an hour delay. Luckily I have a pretty good idea what I burn off in an hour.
  • I'm on about 3500 right now, and I can say you definitely need more fat in there. Double it to start. 3800 calories of carbs takes up a whole lot of space and you can't just be holding two gallons of rice in you colon.
  • I eat back my exercise calories. I need to, or I'd keel over dead. The spread for me ranges from 500 exercise calories to 3000. Can't just change the activity level to consistently match that.
  • In a veggie stir-fry, the oil can be 90% of the calories. But a quick 10 calorie spray of Pam in a patch of Potatoes and Eggs, that I usually don't bother counting.
  • Sodium's tough. And unfortunately it doesn't increase with a high-calorie diet. I usually aim for 3500-4000 calories a day, nearly double what most people need, but the sodium is still that same 2.3 grams.
  • One pound per year, but it's well within the margin of error. It's probably best to assume that your actual food is +-100 calories from what gets logged, and your actually exercise is +-200 calories. And that's if you're tracking really amazingly well.
  • Same workout I do every Christmas... 4 hours of cross-country skiing and jogging. Gets me through all the holiday gorging without any gains.
  • I count them, but for the caffeine, not the calories. I probably burn more calories drinking tea than are in it.
  • Just as a follow-up, you could try posting this in one of the vegetarian subforums. Might cut down on the haters a bit.
  • From what I understand iron is pretty plentiful in beans and soy, not just green leaves. But a fair number of the vegetarian pre-menopausal women I know do take an iron supplement. Mostly the ones who diet, and so don't get all that much food to begin with. Have you considered adding iron to the tracked nutrients on the…
  • Technically no, not for weight loss, but from what I understand eating can spike your blood sugar a bit. It's one of those things that can lead to developing type 2 diabetes. It's good to be active after a meal and that takes more planning when you eat late than when you eat early. Personally when I eat late (after 9 or…
  • Hey, it's whatever works for you. Personally I find that sweet drinks make me hungry, but three of them ought to be enough for you to figure out if you have any problems.
  • Achievement Unlocked: Flirty Barista! I realize it's a pretty low bar when someone's being paid to be nice to you. But still, that never happened when I was 300lbs.
  • I started 11 months ago... New Year's resolution. I was embarrassed enough that I wanted to run in the dark, and winters here have plenty of dark to go around. Plus, there's absolutely no temptation to run in spandex when it's below freezing. Give it a shot to see how it works for you.
  • I just did today, three years after I started losing and about one since kicking into high gear. I finally reached the point where 1 pound loss per week had me eating the same amount as 2 pounds/week did when I started, about 2000kC. Eventually I suppose I'll settle at a weight where that 2000kC is maintenance. I'll just…
  • Probably a good decision. It's way too easy to get lots of calories in without being filled up. Even the smoothies are a risk, unless you make them really thick. The exception is if you are trying to get lots of calories in... training for a marathon or something.
  • I started this January with 3 minutes of jogging a day, in 3 bursts of 1 minute. By now I'm at 5km most day, about 25km a week. It really doesn't take long if you make sure to do at least some jogging every day.
  • It's worth noting that these little daily things are what MFP's "Activity Levels" are for. That just didn't work for me, because my schedule varies so much from day to day. I couldn't just set my activity level at highly active, because the next day I might spend ten hours binging on Netflix...
  • I got a fitbit because I did a lot of little things that weren't worth tracking on MFP... three minutes of walking, two flights of stairs, in and out of the car, et cetera. Usually the Fitbit tracks about 500-1000 calories burned doing this. MFP seems to work just fine for dedicated exercising, the "walk for twenty minutes…
  • It can be done... those obese pounds disappear a lot easier than the overweight pounds. But the question you need to ask yourself is, if it takes 18 months instead of 6, is that a failure? If you only lose 30 by your goal date, is that a failure? It would be pretty terrible if you lost 40 pounds, missed your deadline, gave…
  • I just got my first comment today! It was after 54 pounds lost from my peak weight. It was from someone I only see every few months. The people I see every day are less likely to notice, and if they notice they don't say anything. It probably helped that I was in my old uniform, which was suspiciously baggy. Again, if the…
  • Gross not net would really make sense. Now that I'm using a fitbit as well, I have something to compare to. Fitbit thinks I'm burning more calories on a run than MFP does, but it thinks I'm using less on a stroll. The effect of not deducting the resting metabolism rate would be most noticeable on slow exercises.