slovag01 Member


  • Today will be Insanity Day 8. Since i missed a few days, i picked up where I left off and since today should be off I am just going right in to week 2. Yesterday was my second go at Plyo and it still is kicking my *kitten*. Its tough, but I feel so good after. I just have to remember to DIG DEEPER cause more i dig the…
  • I did Pure Cardio yesterday and it was tough especially since I was getting back into it after missing a few days. But i tried my best. Plyo is the longest video aka longest workout...not the one i look forward too
  • I missed a few days due to hurricane Irene and lack of power, but I picked up where I left off and I wish i didnt miss those days. Felt good to get back into it, but Plyometric Cardio is today WOOO
  • Day 2-- HOLY ****! that was tough. I wasn't able to do the whole thing straight through, but i did the whoel 45 minutes. I almost had to stop at around 20 minutes left, but I pushed through. It really does make me realize how out of shape i am. I cant wait till this feels better!
  • I really like this idea. I was not part of the other thread, but I definately need some support and motivation when it comes to weight loss. Maybe that is why I havent been so successful lately. I am just starting the Insanity workout. I just need some motivation
  • thats the thing I try and have fruit now. I love fruit and when i have it im like "OMG This is so good why don't I eat this all the time" Sometimes its just not around or its bad. I guess I have to buy the right amount so it doesn't go bad, but fruit is what I have been leaning towards lately
  • I just started INSANITY today and t he fit test felt like it kicked me in the *kitten*.. I also felt like I was going to the throw up in the middle of it. I am going to try and take your advice and eat a little something before workout. When it came to water, all i could do was sip on the water because if i couldn't even…
  • I'm in!! I actually just started today with my girlfriend. The Fit test was truly insane. I cannot even imagine what the rest of this is going to be like, but after hearing from people who do it they say it works. I am a little down after the fit test cause I was just thinking that I'm not sure if i will be able to do it,…
  • So true. I have never actually tried that, but I feel most of the time that I reach for the unhealthy snack or i find myself snacking in general it is just because I am tired or bored.
  • I just started going to the gym again. Transition between college and t eh real world is difficult. Even when I worked out in college, it was never religiously, but now that I have a gym at work I plan on going everyday. Does anyone have any good ideas of where to start. That is always the toughest part for me. I think I…